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still kicking

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Everything posted by still kicking

  1. ‘Trump has no affection for Ukraine’: Soldiers remove US patches in anger at president
  2. Donald Trump's Approval Rating Slide 'Significant'—Republican Strategist - Newsweek
  3. This is about Vegemite and marmite and not about Ukraine
  4. I am not a lefty stop calling a lefty who disagrees with your trolling.
  5. Donald Trump's Approval Rating Slide 'Significant'—Republican Strategist Donald Trump's Approval Rating Slide 'Significant'—Republican Strategist - Newsweek
  6. Shawshank Redemption
  7. Thanks, Trumper Watch and wait
  8. Wow, you pay a lot for a shoebox in Issan.
  9. Yes they do in OZ But most people who get caught are Chinese or Asians
  10. ’BIZARRE EVENTS’: Donald Trump issues wildest order yet ‘Democracy has been dismantled’: Donald Trump’s latest move shocks America ‘Democracy has been dismantled’: Donald Trump’s latest move shocks America | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
  11. Read this he virtually shut down Yosemite National Park Yosemite faces staffing crisis as us national parks suffer layoffs Yosemite faces staffing crisis as us national parks suffer layoffs | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
  12. You should go to Specsavers
  13. That is absolute nonsense Why do people pic on Thai, how many people lost their lives in air crashes this year in the US?
  14. https://scontent.fper10-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.1997-6/475792609_1131931148485628_8140870381833219328_n.png?stp=dst-png_s168x128&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=23dd7b&_nc_ohc=NeqiomweJ0YQ7kNvgFn0wCo&_nc_oc=AdinMSHpzNzceJ1vgBGiu65rwodZkEOkRCNnZnPGAD2YueR_gxEIwhnai42GiA9e_Kc&_nc_zt=26&_nc_ht=scontent.fper10-2.fna&_nc_gid=AcMYZagXUimkuTzMcl0tn4s&oh=00_AYAuMZbyf5cHoML6vowzrFEbUiReLP4Kx0dNY7LZHdakWw&oe=67BFDCED
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