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  1. Yes, I think this was discussed before, maybe like a year ago, and they declined saying it is no passive income
  2. Any views on the likelihood of Thailand actually going ahead with the announced plan to not only tax remitted, but global income regardless of remittance? Strangely all the big accounting firms do not mention anything about this. Thanks.
  3. Any views on the likelihood of Thailand actually going ahead with the announced plan to not only tax remitted, but global income regardless of remittance? Thanks.
  4. So what are the latest thoughts on which, if any, tax benefits will remain for the LTR visa once the taxation of global income is introduced as evidently planned by the Thai government (see article two days ago in the newspaper which cannot be mentioned)?
  5. 1) Is my understanding correct that obtaining a Thai TIN by itself does not change a person's obligation to file a tax return or pay taxes, i.e. if the person before did not have an obligation to file a tax return or pay taxes, then this remains unchanged when the person obtains a Thai TIN? 2) Is my understanding also correct that a person who stays in Thailand less than 179 days per year and has no Thai income apart from some small interest income from which withholding tax is automatically deducted does not have an obligation to file a tax return in Thailand? Thank you.
  6. Thank you! And do I assume correctly that for this it does not matter how long you have stayed in Thailand, i.e. with this argument you should be able to get a Thai TIN even if you have not stayed in Thailand more than 180 days?
  7. Does it matter how much tax has been deducted from the interest on the savings account or can it also be minimal amounts? Thanks.
  8. In the "Introduction to Personal Income Tax in Thailand" guide you write that one of the conditions of getting a Thai Tax Identification Number (TIN) is "Employment contract (สัญญาจ้างงาน) or proof that you have tax liability in Thailand (e.g., proof of financial transactions)". What would be financial transactions that would qualify for getting a TIN? Is it enough to have a Thai savings account on which some interest is paid and therefore some Thai withholding tax is deducted to get a Thai TIN? Thank you.
  9. Did you find out what is needed? And did you succeed? Thanks!
  10. Do you know why they wanted the pages with entry stamps since the last 180 days?
  11. Very very very difficult to find older women without kids.
  12. For anybody not quite making the conditions of the LTR visa or not willing to disclose so much sensitive financial information, the new 5-year DTV visa looks like a great alternative as long as one does not need the LTR tax benefits: And anyobdy still thinking about buying a Thai Elite/Thai Privilege visa as an alternative is really wasting their money.
  13. Where is that, please? The announcement in the gazette only has three pages: https://ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/documents/37565.pdf
  14. What about the tax-exemption for foreign income? That applies regardless of how many days you spend in Thailand or only if you are there less than 180 days per calendar year because with 180 days you become a tax resident in Thailand?
  15. Very grateful for your work! 🙏🙏🙏
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