There's so many articles like these and I've tried most linked things.
Creating a welcoming room definitely is crucial.
Melonatin works for very mild cases but it doesn't send you to sleep. In fact, too many of these 'possible aids' actually make it worse as you're waiting for them to kick in which they don't.
No mention of the cause of sleeplessness either? If you're suffering mentally and worrying about something then none of the above will help. Only booze or sleeping pills will knock you out and both are dangerous.
No mention of becoming obsessed with sleeping either. The best way to get off to sleep is to not think about it. This is the hardest part and easier said than done
I've been fighting borderline insomnia for 25 years and the only conclusion I can draw is that every case is different. There is no fix fits all.
For me, no caffeine after 2 pm. Eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. Cool, dark room with white noise like a fan. No phones or clocks anywhere in your room. Sleep in as little clothing as possible.
The fun part... cannabis definitely works. Get the right strain and blend and not only will you sleep but you'll soon lose that anxiety which comes with bedtime.
Failing that, pull a right boring bird who talks shi*e for hours about her bad luck and money troubles or list of men who've all treated her badly and you'll sleep like a pro. Millions here to choose from.