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  1. What part of the UK do you live in? Less emergency services there than in THAILAND? Think you need to back that up with hard facts. Why do people hear appalling stories coming from Thailand and feel the need to compare it to other countries? This has nothing to do with the UK. There was a fire in Kalasin about 2 years back. It was right in the middle of the town yet everyone inside died before they arrived. The response time was over 30 minutes.
  2. There's so many articles like these and I've tried most linked things. Creating a welcoming room definitely is crucial. Melonatin works for very mild cases but it doesn't send you to sleep. In fact, too many of these 'possible aids' actually make it worse as you're waiting for them to kick in which they don't. No mention of the cause of sleeplessness either? If you're suffering mentally and worrying about something then none of the above will help. Only booze or sleeping pills will knock you out and both are dangerous. No mention of becoming obsessed with sleeping either. The best way to get off to sleep is to not think about it. This is the hardest part and easier said than done I've been fighting borderline insomnia for 25 years and the only conclusion I can draw is that every case is different. There is no fix fits all. For me, no caffeine after 2 pm. Eat at least 2 hours before bedtime. Cool, dark room with white noise like a fan. No phones or clocks anywhere in your room. Sleep in as little clothing as possible. The fun part... cannabis definitely works. Get the right strain and blend and not only will you sleep but you'll soon lose that anxiety which comes with bedtime. Failing that, pull a right boring bird who talks shi*e for hours about her bad luck and money troubles or list of men who've all treated her badly and you'll sleep like a pro. Millions here to choose from.
  3. Money...money...money....they all praise the one who introduced it here yet it's probably the biggest curse to this land. I've never met people so obsessed by something they are so awful at handling. The hand out all the time and go nuts when it's refused. Parasitic scum.
  4. 10 kids, not 1 or 2 but TEN! I've never joined 10 mates in beating someone up. This story is missing why she got a good hiding. It mentions a little but not the exact words. Maybe she got her commuppance.
  5. Some people are too highly strung. 23 years old and on his holidays. Hardly crime of the century is it. He could have robbed the entire shop but settled for personal consumption. The weed shop should be maximising the publicity. Our gear is so good that people break in to get at it.
  6. Those 3 wheeled things are equally as dangerous as speeding vehicles. They pull out, stop, double park, drive in any direction they choose to and don't give a toss about anybody else. They brought it on themselves. No sympathy at all.
  7. Agreed entirely. The only thing I'd question is why a 50 year old man who drives for a living can't decide for himself to obey rules, police or no police. There are always people making excuses or comparisons for these scumbags. I wouldn't lose sleep if one of them was made an example of and never saw the light of day again.
  8. I went to the local police station who said it needs reporting to the province I bought it in and by the registered owner. I asked the registered owner to report it to the PS in that province which he kindly did. So, I have the police report from there but I'm certain only the registered owner can apply for re-registration. I really don't see why I can't get this done in any province here and they order the plates but there you go.
  9. I don't in the long term, I just want to put it on until the new one arrives.
  10. Afternoon I have the police report for my lost plate and I'll order the replacement in the next few weeks. I have to wait around 2 months for a replacement so I'd like to put a temporary plate in until the new one arrives. Is there anywhere who make up a temporary copy to use in this time? Thanks
  11. It's registered in Roiet. So I can't apply to get a replacement from Chonburi?
  12. Hi My car was purchased up north but I reside in Chonburi. Can I get a replacement ordered by the office here or do I need to go to the province I bought it in? Have my blue book and I'll get the police report tomorrow. Thanks in advance
  13. Top man. Thank you I got the suppliers mixed up as mentioned above.
  14. That would explain it. Thank you Just checked. You're right. I'll try the BKK one.
  15. I got a message saying the BKKKUSH stuff is out of stock for 2 months. I've really enjoyed his supply and the price is reasonable. Any alternative sellers to his range, quality and price?
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