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  1. The road on the Island of Koh Chang is very dangerous even for the experienced driver. Especially when you add the other drivers and weather conditions. Just not worth the dangers when relaxing on holiday. I left a day earlier even though I was paid up to the next week. I just not worth being taken out by a drunk Songtell coming the other way on that road.
  2. What just dove straight into the water not knowing what was in there or the depth, could have been empaled on any old iron bar. Total lunacy
  3. So us sending banned personnel mines and depleted uranium to kill civilians in Russia is a good thing? So I have a few words for an idiot. We fought the Russians in Angola 1970 you sir have know idea what you are talking about, and would be the first to call for you mother when you are called up. With respect that is due to you Sir
  4. Unbelievable have they nothing better to do than to harass those old folk wanting a few good yeast in twilight of their lives while spending millions on unvetted migrants and arms to kill more whites in Ukraine. You know if I was a conspiracy theorist I just may see a pattern here. Just the rise MPs expense for a second home would cover the cost of the little gains by pension inflation rise.
  5. Really where are you from? Sounds like like help is needed
  6. Well as it happens we are at the lowest period in the Earths history of CO2 content. That is according to Ice core samples. Most don’t know that the Earths CO2 is at…. .04% and man’s contribution to that is .011% It would be the same as saying there is a grain of sugar on London Bridge that is making the whole area dirty. We have Al Gore to thank for the CO2 hype. Every Supermarket vegetable in plastic bags is filled with CO2 and the best part is they just had a shortage. Sometimes you just can’t make it up.
  7. Sir CO2 is vital to growth ice core sample show it to be the lowest for millions of years at .04% man is responsible for 0.01 of that number that is the data. Those are meaningful facts to contribute also it was Al gore who pioneered “man mad climate change” recently changed to “Global Warming “ due to the fact the climate has always changed Conspiracy the Rory was coined by the CIA to silence any critical thinking who were not towing the narrative and not conforming to what the TV told us
  8. All the best to you Sir you have the right to your opinion as do I we have to respect that rather than ridicule what we don’t understand. Yes for many years man did believe the Earth was flat but time and education we overcame our predigest. I can remember when my mothers Dr told her 20 cigarets a day would clear her chest 1955 I believe the year was. So we all grow and learn just some take just a bit longer to see the light. With Respect
  9. One Volcano produces more than man does did you read the post or just believe the Scientists who follow the money? When I was in Africa during Co*vid not one person got Co*vid that did not have a TV. As a known fact, rural Africans were 100% free of the bug , they say it was from the TV. DRC 1 million people fleeing the eruption on the only road out Not one died from the flu Strange don't you think?
  10. Totally rubbish climate has always changed never been stable. 65 volcanoes goes off a day around the World most underwater and each one produces more Co2 and other than man does in 100 years if he ran every car day and night. This plant has been around billions of years we are no threat after what Mother Earth has endured. We are polluting oh yes the arrogance of man to produce a bottle use once and throw away that has a half life of 100 years.No my friends when we become a problem to this world Mother Earth will correct us very quickly, as it has in the passed. No this all about greed and control and the old one gets the more obvious it becomes. 1971 Radio Times Ice Age Cometh anyone remember. Petrol will all be gone in 20 Years Lol sorry you just can’t make it up. The most prolific liquid on Earth is water and second it is ok I will wait. Oil every road is tarred with oil every car is made using oil clothing made from oil. You see folks oil is an Abiotic and is made deep in the Earth with pressure and hydrocarbons there is no shortage. ok I feel better I have that off my chest. Don’t fall for the BS
  11. Taxation is a criminal offence in itself, just that we all are so used to it. A bit like the dog that has been chained up and you shorten the chain every day, the dog does not notice. If we all said enough is enough it would all go away.
  12. Very strange how these issues suddenly arise, I have been flying since 1965 many many times and guess what first time on the way to BKK last year suddenly Massive turbulence was scary, the first time in all these years. Just when they are putting prices up and discouraging people from flying, Now if I were a conspiracy theorist I might have an idea, but nah they would never do that silly me. Just saying. Oh wait could be Global Warming you know the man-made ones.
  13. NWO at it again we have to live in fear of speaking out.

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