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Posts posted by Laphroaig27

  1. The red buses run all over Bangkok since forever.


    The white, blue buses are the same old buses as red but converted to ngv.


    Dark blue (old) and std size orange and orange articulated buses (are newer), AC.


    Misc AC buses runabout. Aquisition trials, gifts, graft pet projects maybe. Government.


    Electric buses. I think these are no longer in service. Didn't last long. Ev lol.


    Short multicolored buses with same numbers as standard long buses are public private. Drivers a bit more aggressive.


    Blue white single, double private buses departing terminals. Trips 90 mins to 24 hours.


    *Chinese Buses* Scandia, etc usually older, refurb buses used to transport Chinese tourists.

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  2. 2 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

    Yes, with a copy of the chanot or even just the number of it you can go to the land office. They'll pull out their copy of the chanot and tell you if it's clear or not. They won't issue a letter though.

    On the day of title transfer or shortly before you should get a letter from the condo office stating the % of current foreign owners and that the current owner doesn't owe anything to the office. Cutting off the agent that introduced you to the unit is illegal.

    If you have a Thai wife why don't you ask her to check all those things?

    Thanks for all that.


    Yes, she will definitely be involved. First thing to send her to land office. It's new to both of us.

  3. 17 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Thais in Farangland don't want to live in Thailand.

    I've taken my wife on extensive travel and family trips to US. No idea but has maybe six-seven months total. I think she clearly understood a trip or two ago but this last trip the message really sank in.



    My wife clearly understands, especially as she has a cousin in Sweden. Both their lives are hell. She's an LVN for elderly, ughh.


    We have a better quality of life here in general and both, despite wages have better jobs. In fact, I probably am a 1% of salary earner. I have SSO insurance for life. Wife has a great job, ok money, loads flex time and four weeks paid plus Thai holidays.


    I'm starting to look at condos seriously. States, not until the bubble bursts. Never.


    I save perhaps 70% of salary after paying rent and household. We take annual trips to NPs and internationally. States?


    Insurance?! Medicare in a few years. Wife??


    We will remain. She understands. I expect my last planned trip back in about two years.


    See parents every five years? That would mean perhaps never again.


    There are loads of problems here, immigration needs to get it together, but, it's the least dirty shirt in the hamper.

  4. 19 minutes ago, DrJack54 said:

    Some fantastic advice in this thread esp @Peterw42 and others. 

    My post not so specific and factual. Just some observations based on 3 purchases in last couple of years.

    First observation is that the land office where you do the transfer is amazing. So simple compared to my joint Oz.

    As Peterw42 pointed out earlier they very carefully make sure the sale has all the boxes ticked off.

    clear title etc.

    All 3 times I didn't use a lawyer.

    Didn't even consult one. 


    Recent purchase I didn't look into the common fee (yes stupid) later to discover expensive. 


    Fortunately that condo was large and being on older side had a team of tradesmen that did most of the makeovers.

    Fortunately turned out to be gems and used them on unrelated townhouse makeover.


    OP, as for sale price....I found Thai very different ideology than western folk.

    In Oz (and elsewhere) we have a saying ..."it's worth what someone is prepared to pay" 

    Thai dont think that way imo.


    OP, did you consider just putting the condo in wife's name? 

    I had no qualms 





    The condo will go to her, obviously. There may come a day I will transfer it. I trust her implicitly, but, it's the reverse lottery. Perhaps one in a million chance but there is always chance. Just to make it more complicated wity my purchase she already owns half. If in her name, I technically own half.


    It's worth what people will pay. This is the ultimate determiner. Yet, it's also what the seller will accept. Therein lies the difference.


    It's a big negotiation especially for a Thai. Money is far more tight than most farang appreciate. Doubly so outside Central Bangkok. Still, the condo market endures. Perhaps a mix of traditional Asian pay cash mentality and loans night being called on condo owners and developers. Not requiring mark to market accounting. Huge pools of black money. 


  5. 19 minutes ago, Pmbkk said:


    Re bargaining - Thais would always go in much lower so that is what I'd do.


    If it's up for 10, I'd start at 8 to 8.5.


    Someone offered me 17 for one of mine a couple of weeks ago, but I think it's worth 19 so I said, no. Tenants in there already.


    My advice would be to rent though if you're in Bangkok/larger Town at the moment.

    Make sure you know the cost of the community fees and if they'e any extraordinary fees at present e.g. for new lifts/painting etc  


    Make sure you search condo name to get baseline figures for that condo/size/beds - unless it's small you'll see others for sale & go look at them e.g. hipflat, ddproperty.


    Measure twice - cut once !





    There are a few going for roundabout figures. This is the least expensive, high floor, good plan, nice building. I think it's even North facing. Imo best of the half dozen similar offer. As there are many over this price I can only assume they know the price that might sell and the price that won't. How much lower is a question. It's an ok deal on a good condo in a good building.


    Another issue I have is having seen the USD hit 38 there's no way I'll settle for less.


    Just have to see how it plays out.

  6. 14 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

    If the seller is Thai it's quite possible there is no foreign quota left, the juristic office can tell you if any foreign quota left and how much % is your one

    We're going tomorrow to have a look. The one we are after and apparently a few more available for about the same price. One realtor had said foreign quota no problem but we will find out tomorrow. It's not on the BTS line so that pretty much limits to Chinese. I don't see many farang above Asoke/ Sukhumvit period but especially one's I'd believe might own condos (when riding blue line).

  7. 10 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    Yes, transfer fee is 2%, but usually its 50/50 buyer/seller so you would be paying 1%. As I said above, there are other taxes and often the seller will want you to pay 50% of those other taxes. (all negotiated prior to going to land office, and usually written into some sort of purchase agreement/sales contract).

    You wouldn't be visiting the condo office for anything to do with the title, the seller has to get a document from the condo office (showing condo is part of foreign quota and fees are up to date) to bring to the land office.

    Documents you need would be passport and FET, and of course a cashiers check. Documents the seller needs is the letter from condo office, chanote.

    Thank you for that. I've no interest in paying the owners taxes lol. Non starter. Appreciate the heads up. Most condos I see it's just transfer 50/50 but I'm sure there will be plenty of miscommunication and drama.


    It's the obligation on condo office to issue the letter. Do those take a day, week, month?


    With a copy of chanote can we search at land office? Will they give us a letter the title is clear?

  8. 42 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

    At its best its a 1% transfer fee (1% of what the land office says its worth)

    So, the sale price is irrelevant in tax? 1% that's total? I'd thought I'd read it was two?


    So, with my Thai wife and visit to land office and juristic condo office before sale I should have a clean title in hand or none at all?


    Need their be a letter from the condo association about the foreign quota? This begs another question - what documents do I need present to land office? Passport, FET, ?

  9. Hello and thanks to anyone that wants to take a stab at some of these.


    How do I check if the title is clear? Visit land and juristic offices. Will both offices give me letters? Is there anything else I can or should do to guarantee a clear title?


    If I am doing a cash deal do I need a lawyer? Seems all property sold as is bc good luck getting old owner to pay for faulty xyz later.


    I will not do a contract as I may wish to back out any time depending on what's learned / currency. I like the place a lot but another will come along. I will though still need some form of sales reciept or does the chanote serve as such?


    *If the owner wants to put a lower price for tax purposes is there any issue legal or financial that weakens me (or later sale)? I'd like to pay some of the price in cash as well so this could help me I presume?


    As I understand it if the sales price is too low then the land office will simply use their own tax table.


    The deal will include a realtor. What sort of assistance at the land office might I expect if any?


    It's underhanded perhaps but I want to make an offer to the owner. I'm ok with going thru the realtor but I want to be certain the owner gets the offer. What about communication to sideline the realtor removing $$ and lowering price?


    The front door is quite scratched up. Who's responsible for doing ?? to it (refinishing, painting, anodized plate perhaps) ? Condo, owner, me.


    Can I add deadbolt, change lock? Condo office question.


    Can I add some sort of extension safety bar to the balcony railing? How about in the bedroom which would require drilling into the wall? I understand you don't know about the particular condo but in general.


    Is there usually renovation rules like each project must be completed in XX days?


    How difficult is it to add electrical sockets?


    How to hang large, small pictures on cement walls?


    Drilling in walls? Pictures, TV, speaker, entertainment center. Adding in shower a 'senior/handi bar' (drilling into tile and screwing in the bar which must withstand weight/pulling).


    How much should it cost to paint 45-47sqm?


    How much labor, materials for contemporary molding for living and bed rooms.


    Is there any way to check the window sealing?


    My guess is parking spaces are not assigned in most condos. Is it possible to sell my parking sticker/s or whatever assuming they are annual?


    If some of the deal is in cash I'd expect buyer seller go to bank where 300k+ can be counted by machine? Land office prolly has one but if this is money not going toward official sale price maybe not.


    Expect any crazy add on fees, costs? It's at worst 1% for transfer for me correct? NO sinking fund on 2nd hand. I will ask about any large assessments coming.


    Refinishing the standard flooring. Apply (dark) stain to match door jams.


    Is it possible to apply wood or another laminate on top of kitchen cabinetry and closet doors which appear to be Formica like


    Anyone care to guestimate cam fee on Rhythm condos 10-12yo? Seems well maintained. Might I be looking at 40? Fair?


    Lots of random stuff here. Thanks.

  10. I realize I'm just joining the whingers but aside from the fact marriage, retirement are not included - the process seems more convoluted, more time consuming and costs approximately 25% more.


    It might be a good thing for schools but there are lots of complications with teacher visas and extensions. I've never met a teacher (BKK) who knew anything about the extension process really.


    Who dreams this stupidity up? Like someone stated it's an income stream. On their end it might be more efficient but I don't think that matters to immigration. Efficiency.

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  11. 18 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    What is fake wife?

    A woman you hang out with, costs you money, time. No sex or love.


    A girlfriend you never entirely commit to.


    A woman far hotter than you could marry. Take her out, buy her shi+, feed the cow and once ever few months you get a terrible bj.

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