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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. And unfortunately there are supposedly mature men who take advantage of that fact... and blame the victim... OMF
  2. Where do you draw the line... what age is too young for you? Sex trafficking involves some form of forced or coerced sexual exploitation that is not limited to prostitution, and has become a significant and growing problem in both the United States and the larger global community. The costs to society include the degradation of human and women’s rights, poor public health, disrupted communities, and diminished social development. Victims of sex trafficking acquire adverse physical and psychological health conditions and social disadvantages. Thus, sex trafficking is a critical health issue with broader social implications that requires both medical and legal attention. Healthcare professionals can work to improve the screening, identification, and assistance of victims of sex trafficking in a clinical setting and help these women and girls access legal and social services.
  3. "I’m a Democrat. All my life I've been a Democrat, but Democrats have used us and abused us, they think that they own us. Donald Trump is giving us an opportunity." Another resident explained that Trump is showing a lot of respect to the Bronx by visiting despite it being a Democratic stronghold.
  4. Rather than costing the federal government $1.7 trillion in tax revenue, the Trump tax cuts are currently projected to add $1.3 trillion over what the CBO projected higher tax rates would have generated.
  5. You mean this? A purportedly never-before-seen Department of Defense memo from the Obama era appears to indicate the federal government already may have had original copies of the documents seized at former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida in 2022, raising serious questions about the pretext for the raid... What America First Legal has uncovered after months of investigative work paints an unfortunate picture of the rule of law in Washington. A former President of the United States — the most democratically accountable officer under our Constitution — was subject to a politicized referral concocted by the Biden White House that led to an armed FBI raid of his home — where his wife and youngest child live — and is now subject to prosecution
  6. The Bronx population is overwhelmingly Hispanic and Black, and roughly a third of its residents live below the poverty line, according to Census data. And the Bronx is one of the most Democratic-dominated counties in the country... yet trump is drawing thousands of fans... wonder why???
  7. Doesn't matter to him... he is one of the "she knows what she is doing crowd"
  8. Or smart enough to look at the alternative and make a good decision... there is that!
  9. And think of this for the middle class American... The poll, released Wednesday, finds a majority of registered voters are planning to stay put this summer. Their reason? Money. Of the 55% who are not going away, 73% don’t have enough money to do so, while 15% don’t have the time. In 2010, the last time the question was asked, just half of voters who weren’t going away said it was a money issue (51%) while 20% blamed a lack of time.
  10. EXACTLY... One poll, released Wednesday, finds a majority of registered voters are planning to stay put this summer. Their reason? Money. Of the 55% who are not going away, 73% don’t have enough money to do so, while 15% don’t have the time. In 2010, the last time the question was asked, just half of voters who weren’t going away said it was a money issue (51%) while 20% blamed a lack of time.
  11. Try reading more than the banner... there are caveats to almost all promotions.
  12. Here's a tip... grow up and learn how to act responsibly without your mommy holding your hand.
  13. At 11:06 PM... about the time of night for brit to be plenty pissed and belligerent
  14. This is the result of the liberal leftists attacking the moral building institutions of the world in the name of freedom... it has bred a general populace of MEMEMEMEME babies who's mommies haven't let grow up.
  15. What a totally ignorant vile thing to say... even if true... it is an indictment of your lack of moral and legal values... they are not of age to make that decision period and are preyed upon by you and others like you.
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