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Everything posted by Mino

  1. This guy is in Thailand. I told him to find a Thai account to send the money, but he refused and only wise. But, as you wrote, cannot be done. Thank you
  2. Correct: from my Thai account to a US bank.
  3. Try to send few THB to an abroad bank, but when set up the transfer, the bank is not listed. Anyone knows how to do it, as I never used wise? Thank you.
  4. What I not understand: with a bank transfer, even a missing H will not let you transfer the money. With wise, given the right bank and account number, but a totally different name and surname, the transfer will be successful? Thank you.
  5. The receiver account or mine?
  6. But is it possible that if i incorrectly write the name of the account holder who is to receive the money, the amount sent arrives anyway, using wise? Thank you.
  7. Redmi 10 note 10. 5,300 THB. I always was a Samsung guy, but after I discovered the Redmi (9 first and 10 later) I change and stay with it.
  8. Can a 15 years old boy change USD to Thai bath?
  9. If you are in touch with AsiaOne Teckhong funeral and cremation, I used it and it's a good company.
  10. In Bangkok now. When went to buy the ticket the first available bus was full and waited the second one. Still a lot of people.
  11. Tomorrow afternoon
  12. Did anyone travelled by bus from Pattaya to Mo Chit yesterday or today? Are the crowded or no problem to catch one? I scare i can't find a bus to go there as we are still into the New Year celebrations. Thank you
  13. I drove down to Korat, left turn to Khao Yai. Now stop in Kabinburi for some food. Totally full, coming to Isan, few cars go down to Bangkok.
  14. When I bought the phone, Google lens was already there. When you open an image in your gallery, you should see Google lens option
  15. I do the contrary today: Surin to Bangkok. Hope there will be not too much traffic on the way down.
  16. Report a 4000 THB scam to local police will lead to get the money back or it's just a waste of time? Thank you
  17. No money involved at all. What I know it is what he told me: find this guy on social media, speak and agree for the place and pick up. But nothing happened.
  18. This was, for him, a deal through IG or some other social. No booking platform involved. I think it's useless for him to report what happened at police as there are no money involved.
  19. This friend wanna make a report to the police, but I told him that it's useless as he did not pay nothing to the "owner". Am I right?
  20. Someone ask me what to do, but I no have any answer, so I ask here: Friend of mine booked an apartment for him, wife and two kids. Talk through some applications with the owner (as told me) agreed for the place and also for pick up at the airport. When arrive noone was there and no apartment. Now they are in hotel waiting to find a room. They did not pay nothing: they can do something or it's just a bad story to forget quickly? Thank you.
  21. I agree: this guy is well respected in the community he lives and help local with food and money sometimes.
  22. I went twice in two different government hospitals, one in Phuket and one in Chiang Mai. Both time they make me a "local card" for 30 thb. But they no ask nothing more. Maybe cause it was just a daily hospital treatment.
  23. Same story with a mutual friend: back few years he was working for a new resort in Surin and the owner <deleted> off someone: this guy called the IO and they catch him without a work permit and, once at IO, they found he was also in, I think, 9 months overstay. But....few hours and walk out the office. Now back to his country.
  24. Get Pzifer. Three jabs done.
  25. I don't know the answer, but I think when you renew it at your Embassy, they doesn't care your status.
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