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Posts posted by MichaelHunt

  1. Sunscreens are a case of getting hit from both sides: First of all, they block out the sun (obviously) - which prevents us from getting essential vitamin D. And then on top of that, they are full of harmful chemicals. (I think sunscreens are responsible for the huge rise in skin cancer over the years.)


    Even though I have very pale skin, my solution is/was to gradually build up my exposure to the sun. I started with just five minutes a day, and now I can lie in the sun for an hour without burning. The point is to avoid burning, which can be done by simply knowing your limits - and limiting your exposure accordingly. 


    So my advice: Avoid sunscreens - and opt instead for sensible exposure. (Do you really think that humans were created to need to block the sun from our skin? The sun is the great giver of life and health!)

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  2. 3 hours ago, couchpotato said:

    The poster is giving you information of what company he has used before. 

    So be nice!

    It was a reasonable question. Every insurance company is good - at taking your money. What really matters is whether they pay out their claims.


    I used to always use AIG. I don't know if they're still around. But once I did need to make a claim, and they were quite fair and professional about it - paying what they had promised to pay upon my presentation of my doctor's bill from a clinic in Lusaka, Zambia.

  3. On 3/8/2023 at 10:25 AM, Neeranam said:

    How long do the products take to arrive?

    Update on my previous estimate of the delivery time: I ordered two packages on 2 March, and they both arrived today (to my pleasant surprise), after only eight days! (I am in Bangkok.)

  4. On 3/1/2023 at 6:16 AM, Scott said:

    The origin of the coronavirus occurred in nature, most likely in bats.  That is what a lot of researchers will be looking for.  The closest virus found thus far is RaTG13, with a 96.2% found in bats in Yunnan Province.  That is the closest known full genome match to SARS-CoV-2.  That is what I am referring to. 


    I have no idea what you are blithering on about that has anything to do with what I posted.  



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  5. 3 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

    I see they have free shipping for orders over 1,500 baht.

    It seems to vary. I got free shipping recently on an order over 1,400 baht. So maybe that amount changes according to the current USD/THB exchange rate?

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  6. My understanding is that as long as you keep your orders to under 1,500 baht, customs will not interfere.


    My deliveries usually take two to three weeks. I have two separate orders on the way now - separated intentionally to avoid any customs duties.

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  7. On 11/19/2022 at 6:39 AM, nigelforbes said:

    When you transfer the funds into Thailand you have to state the purpose. If you say investment to buy gold, you'll have to pay tax when you export those funds, but at least you should be able to make the transfer problem free. How easy it all is, hinges on the reason you use for transferring the money into Thailand in the first place. If you say, living expenses, the money will be deemed to have been spent.

    What if I say that I'm going to use the money to buy a condo - but I don't buy a condo?

  8. 6 hours ago, Toolong said:

    Sorry, I can't offer advice or info re your original query, but I am curious about your first sentence above: 'If what I expect to happen happens....'


    Just genuinely interested to know what you expect to happen. ???? (You've got me worried now!????)



    Given all the debt in the world that can in no way ever be paid back, I don't see how a collapse of the global financial system - or at least the dollar - can be avoided. I hope I am wrong (but I don't think I am), so I want to do at least something to prepare myself in case it happens. I'm betting that gold will form a part of the next monetary system - as gold has been used as money for thousands of years.


    Worst case scenario, I end up holding too much gold, which has the downside of not paying a dividend, so there's definitely an opportunity cost. (I own a stock that pays me an 8% tax-free dividend, so that's the opportunity cost to me of holding gold.) There's also the risk that the gold could be stolen, but I also think that there's a risk that money in a bank account could be confiscated - if the worst case scenario plays out. (It's happened before, in Cyprus not so long ago, for example, if you recall.)


    But I look at holding gold as insurance against the uncertainties facing the world now. There is also the advantage that it is very easy to buy physical gold in Thailand, unlike in most countries in the west. Here, I can buy gold bullion from a reputable dealer at my local shopping mall - with a very narrow spread between the buying and selling prices.


    Anyway, that's the short answer to your question, and it is based entirely on what I see in the world. You might see things completely differently, in which case a different strategy might be more appropriate for you. Or you might see the same issues that I see - but have a different way of protecting yourself.

  9. 3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Misinformation is not a subjective thing. It needs to be called out each and every time and definitely censored.

    In that case, I call you out for misinformation, because I can show you lots of studies that shows that masks are ineffective and even dangerous:




    I therefore demand that you be censored - and suspended. How do you feel about censorship now? (Don't worry - I'm sure you're not at risk of being censored - even if you are spreading misinformation - because you are spreading the officially approved misinformation.)

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  10. 3 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    Stop with the misinformation. If I'm not mistaken, questioning the effectiveness of masks has been banned on this forum for some time.

    When you can win an argument, declare your opponents to be spreading misinformation and try to get them censored. Does it make you feel good to resort to such desperate measures? Do you really think that there is anything that shouldn't be questioned?

  11. 20 minutes ago, Denim said:

    But that is not the main point here. It is rather a show of respect to the sensitivities of citizens of a country you are visiting even if you think they are a waste of time. 

    I am not visiting Thailand. I live here.


    And I don't consider masks to be a waste of time - because it doesn't take time to wear a mask. I consider them to be ineffective - and dangerous, both physically and mentally, for the health of humans.

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  12. 47 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    Here's a news flash, COVID is not over in quite a few countries, including Thailand. It keeps morphing into new variants.

    The data is saying an infected person is 70% less likely to infect others when wearing a mask, and an uninfected person is 30% less likely to become infected when wearing a mask.

    Anti-maskers don't like those facts, just as anti-vaxxers don't like the statistics that say vaccination reduces the risk of death or "long COVID" by an order of magnitude.

    COVID will never be "over", just like colds and the flu will never be over. But there is no longer a COVID pandemic. It's endemic.


    If masks only didn't work and were not actually harmful, I would consider wearing one. But they are both ineffective - AND harmful, not to mention dehumanizing.



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