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Everything posted by newbee2022

  1. At your revenue department (or download) you can have it in English including instruction. Also you can submit your file by email.
  2. And I answered. Where is your problem? Many do not know how to fill in the form. Do YOU know??
  3. No, it's one accent grave and one accent aigu
  4. Let me guess, you're in jail or in a mad house?🤣 And stop stalking END
  5. It's about love, dear. But yes, sometimes you love the wrong one.
  6. Ah, and this answer is meant as a proof?? Ridiculous . Stop trolling
  7. What is that? Why this silly answer?
  8. It's all well known. So this police action is just for show. Showing there are not idle🤗
  9. Do you need someone to do it for you? Do you need help? I think it's not rocket science.
  10. They sell it preferably to Thais who enter the shop and ask questions personally.🤣
  11. NO, Psychological treatment is what she needs
  12. You're right. Thais don't need to meet riffraff in UK. The riffraff is coming to Thailand.
  13. And off into Thai prison for a long time👍
  14. Hmmh, dramatic sting??? The obvious dismantled? Lots of similar cases in all villages across Thailand by housewives, students, professionals 🥱
  15. Assumptions only. Where is the proof???😳
  16. I don't think it's about money but her life
  17. Indeed I asked Thai friends and showed photos of wonderful Blackpool with more wonderful back streets and wonderful big rats. Nobody, nobody wants to live there. Me too.
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