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Posts posted by CharlieKo

  1. I think American Voters suffer from dementia! Who in their right mind would vote for either candidate? What a sorry state US politics is in at the moment. How did America allow such a situation occur? Two useless candidates no real politicians. The US is f.......ed. Collapse is inevitable. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Berkshire said:

    "...two sides to any story."  Well I know that the Earth is round and don't need to go read the Flat-Earthers "research" to know that it's round.  That's the problem with you guys who claim to do "research."  You're mostly reading right wing cr*p that hasn't been vetted and is masquerading as facts.  You actually ended up knowing less than someone who hasn't read anything at all.  Because what you think you know is just untrue. 

    BULL<deleted>. That is what you are doing just reading one side of the story. You are just a sheep following. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Patong2021 said:


    Nice regurgitation of the Russian talking points. One flaw in the  claim, that you overlook: The EU is the principal architect of the resistance to Russian expansionism. In particular, the former east European nations occupied by the  cruel despotic Russian colonial military and its puppet regimes are most concerned about the  Russian attempt to revive its Soviet empire. After the EU is Canada which has strategically given large amounts per capita to fund the Ukraine fight for freedom. The two most vocal advocates on behalf of Ukraine are Poland and Canada.




    Please identify and list the large amounts of land that you claim BlackRock has purchased.

    The claim has been shown to be initiated by Russian misinformation agents.

    I am giving you the opportunity to support your claim. Now do it.

    I don't need any opportunity from you to support anything. You can stick that where the sun don't shine! 








    As for regurgitation? If you cared to not just accept a one sided story and went out of your way to so some research and, yes actually look at media which you don't do atm. Then you might see all you are doing is absorbing propaganda from one side. There is always two sides to any story. Somewhere in the middle is the reality of what is really going on!

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

    This war is because Ukraine have valuable resources and strategic critical necessary open water connection to the black sea for the Russians. 

    Indeed, and Blackrock and other investment house have bought up a lot of Ukrainian land for that purpose. The US wanting Russian land for itself! why would the US need access to the black sea. To antagonise Russia, so they can place nukes in the area. Yet again the US starting something it cannot finish. Even Biden doesn't have the guts to take on a nuclear power such as Russia. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's exactly what radical isolationist America Firsters (literally their name) pro Hitler fascists such as Henry Ford and Lindbergh said leading to WW2. Interesting that today we have similar rich and famous  people taking similar positions (Musk and Theil). When Trump first started branding as America First, American Jewish organizations asked him to not do that because of the specifically American fascist history behind that seeming to many innocent phrase. Of course he ignored them. 

    Sounds like an admission that the USA is indeed a fascist state which thinks it has a right to dictate to the world what can and can't be done!. We the people of the world just want the USA to mind it' own business, and not go around the world starting wars under the banner of democracy. The US is not democratic.


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  6. 14 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    So what you're saying is if a bigger/stronger country wants to invade another, the world should just let them?  China can just take Taiwan?  In fact, China could probably take all of SE Asia.  Your rationale makes very little sense. 

    What I am saying is, The US is using Ukraine to fight Russia, The US instigated this whole fiasco, because they want to split Russia into many pieces so they can take over Russia and take it's natural resources for itself. The late McCain saying Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country!  Rationale is realising what you were told is all lies. It is the realisation of reality. The reality is Ukraine lost this war before it even started.  In the not too distant future we will see who is right. Ukraine will either try save what it has left of a country via negotiation or Russia will take all of Ukraine. 


    to quote "So what you're saying is if a bigger/stronger country wants to invade another, the world should just let them" Isn't that what the US has been doing with all these failed wars it started. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc. It can't even make peace with a small island 90 miles off it's Florida coast. The USA is the problem.

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  7. 20 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    Unfortunately, because of 'Western' (specifically US & German) palpitations, it looks like it's heading towards compromise or a Korean standstill.


    With which noone will be happy. And both sides will be preparing for the second round in 3 or 4 years.

    I don't think so. Russia will resolve this before there is any negotiation. They will not let this turn into another Korea!

  8. 8 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:


    Hopefully, the first time will be a warning.  Next year, "make sure you have completed a Thai tax return".

    First, ignorance is not a defence in Law. Second that fact you are aware that a tax return is now required for the tax year of 2024. You would be obliged to make such a return. If you have any doubts about what if any tax is due go the the revenue dept or talk with an accountant. As to what might happen if you avoid making a tax return. You could wait and find out but, But I think they might do a full audit on you there are also possible fines and maybe even prison for serious offenders! 



    • Confused 1
  9. What is it with you people. You don't have any problems so you got to manufacture them by way of something to do? There would need to be a major change in the law to allow the revenue department to collect taxes in funds not brought to Thailand. So far the government have not got involved in this matter and t is the government that would need to change the law, not the revenue dept. 


    Not to mention I'm sure there are enough hi so's in Government who might not like that idea, of having their overseas profits taxed by Thailand when those profits aren't remitted to Thailand. Odds in favour of this being just talk and will not be enacted. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, SportRider said:

    I would rather he attends, and humiliates their stupidity. 

    I just wonder if they would pull a France! Arrest him on arrival for his supposed hate tweet on X and an idiot minister saying Musk should be extradited to the UK. LOL. It seems now any country in the west can threaten someone from another country to arrest them for wrong speech! Yet the US don't extradite citizens for such minor matters. They too probably wish they could control Musk. LOL.  

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  11. 51 minutes ago, Irish star said:

    The Cult of Morons and you speak about Rigging Next , lil girls the lot 

    Well it is funny the Democrats tried to keep RFK.j of the ballot in certain swing states, and failed. Only now that he wants to be removed from the ballot in those swing states the democrats are refusing to remove his name! Who mentioned rigging an election?

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