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Everything posted by cookie1974

  1. Paedophiles should be castrated without anesthetic, zero sympathy for scum like that
  2. In RTP headquarters, theres a will be a queue waiting outside for their share
  3. Another quality tourist, but why would anyone leave 1.5 million baht in their car? I wouldnt leave my goldfish in a car in Thailand, why did he not just do a bank transfer?
  4. Protest all they want, it wont make any difference, what the bigwigs want, the bigwigs get, and everyone else do not matter
  5. Makes a change from Thais robbing people i suppose, but this guy needs to be caught pronto
  6. Not being able to buy alcohol for a day or 2 during buddha days is hardly a problem, unless you are an alcoholic, in which case stock up the day before, its not rocket science is it?
  7. The legalisation of cannabis has certainly attracted some great quality tourists from the look of it, well done Thailand
  8. Just another example of why Thailand in general, and Pattaya and Phuket in particular are going down the pan fast
  9. Well as Thailand now appears to be the new club 18-30s party destination of choice, be prepared for a lot more noise, partys and drug and alchohol fueled anti-social behaviour from the new waves of quality tourists that are on the way
  10. They should be more concerned with the scumbags arriving here everyday,rather than some guy minding his own business on an overstay
  11. Place is saturated in it, start locking them up with big sentences, only way to deter them
  12. Schoolboy error on his part, dont get into disputes with thais in a bar ( even if you think you are right) because you are never going to win, just pay the bill,walk out and never go back
  13. If this is all it takes get a " storm of controversy " going then im afraid the thais need to get their priorities in order, maybe start dealing with thailands real problems like drug abuse,violence,human trafficking,corruption and road deaths instead of persecuting some foreigner for giving a foot massage
  14. In a country where the " rules of the road " are virtually non-existant this shouldnt even be news worthy, but the fact its a foreigner makes it hits the headlines, while not condoning his actions ( which are 100 percent wrong ) it should be taken in context with the vast amounts of illegal driving offences commited every day by the thai population that mostly go unreported, unless a fatalty is involved or it involves a foreigner
  15. Did it ever occur to you that a russian would not be speaking in russian to a thai shop assistant who speaks english in a 7/11 in thailand? Please turn your braincells on before you post indignant replies to people
  16. Iv seen russians arguing over the price of a 12baht can of coca cola in a 7/11 demanding the " thai price" so this type of behaviour doesnt suprise me at all
  17. So you need authorisation to be be walking around with cocaine now? I wonder which office to have to apply to get your "authorisation " from 🤣🤣🤣
  18. Another thai with anger management issues as soon as they get behind the wheel, hope he gets a long stretch for this evil pointless murder
  19. Zero sympathy theres enough of that stuff on the streets here now already
  20. Collecting tea money is hard work mate
  21. And there is the problem,most of the idiots coming here now dont actually have brains for vaccines to affect
  22. Why would have vaccines have have anything to do with it? And lockdowns finished over 2 years ago the basic fact is that thailand was a far off exotic destination years ago, now its just another mainstream over commercialised tourist hotspot, and will suffer the same fate as most other overly popular destinations from the past
  23. Total idiot, he wouldnt do it back in poland but thinks he can do that <deleted> here, another example of the quality tourists who arrive here and think they can do as they please
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