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Everything posted by cookie1974

  1. Thais are so tough when it 8 against 1
  2. You would think from some of the the braindead idiot comments that brits are the only ones who get in trouble here, in 20 years iv seen and heard of all nationalities who have had problems for whatever reason if you want trouble here or unlucky enough for it to find you it will happen your nationality is irrelevant.
  3. In 20 years in thailand iv never heard of such a thing happening,iv used motorbike taxis countless times and never had a problem(apart from some dodgy driving)im not saying it didnt happen but theres probably more to the story than what is reported here
  4. Damn those foreigners stealing cannabis money that rightly belongs to wealthy upper class politicians how dare they,seriously did they not expect the criminal fraternity to enter the frey when weed shops have opened all over the place to make a quick buck on its sale??
  5. If thats all it takes to spark "national outrage" they should have a look at the news in thailand and the acts commited by thai nationals before they start pointing the finger at a kid being caught short in a public place (which i do agree is somewhat disrespectful in its context) but its a child for heavens sake total over reaction in my view
  6. Pattaya beach is a joke wouldnt rate in the top 100000 nevermind the top 100
  7. Thai police visited walking street a few months ago and said they didnt see any,oh dear how wrong can you be🤣
  8. Thailand is turning into a narco state who the hell thinks up these things do they have any idea of the consequences??
  9. I remember the russian invasion in the early 2000s they threw their weight around for a couple of years down walking street and mafia elements tried to aggressively expand into other soi,s until it their reign was tragically cut short by local "residents" and they were chased out hopefully history will repeat itself and they will be expelled again.
  10. Well russia does need more troops for the frontline in ukraine dont they seeing as most russians are skiving in thailand with their new visas...
  11. It was a rhetorical reply knowing your answer would be "NO"
  12. Do the russians have visa free for thais? Didnt think so
  13. Yeah and every tourist town in thailand will soon be owned by the russian and chinese mafia be careful what you wish for...
  14. Yeah walking round with beers from the 7/11 and then walking into bars to play pool for free without buying a drink and then protesting when thw bar owners ask them to buy a drink from the bar i probably spend more in a week than they do in a month.
  15. Maybe you will be more free to express your views without fear of a ban by the tyranical moderators in the current system,after all a forum is all about free speech isnt it?
  16. I would disagree most bars will let you use for free or a 5 or 10 baht charge which is understandable there is no excuse for this idiots behaviour
  17. Thats only day one, when drink driving rules are not enforced against anyone with any conviction what do you expect?
  18. Should be deported at once what an <deleted> if your here show a bit of respect no wonder we get a bad rep😠
  19. You must be an aviator as you have such a high opinion of yourself
  20. Gunna cost him a lot more at the cop shop🤣
  21. Pointy Iron fences and alcohol do not mix especially in your elder years please take note.
  22. He got lucky assaulting couple of thais in a bar normally the stillettos come out and you have a rather large headache in the morning🤣
  23. yep if he gets in its game over for any democracy in thailand
  24. because the old guys here now try to distance themselves from the reason the they first came here they are now "good citizens" or their dicks dont work anymore so they choose to castigate the new generation as "sexpats" or low quality tourists while they are sitting in thier 3000 baht a month dump apartments in soi buakhow and pouring scorn on people having a good holiday
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