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Everything posted by cookie1974

  1. I wonder if its the same 82 year old who was jogging in pattaya a few weeks ago🤣🤣
  2. The new amsterdam,weed itself is pretty harmless but its availability and the fact that its legal inevitably attracts people seeking harder drugs which in the last few years have exploded in their availability in thailand,they should have kept their draconian drug laws in place because once the box is opened they will never be able to close it.
  3. Not exactly a capital offence they must be hard up for news.
  4. Shutting bars down at midnight? The tourism industry across the world might disagree with you on that one
  5. 2 drunk men fighting? OMG this must be the first time in the history of mankind that this has ever happened HOLD THE FRONT PAGE!!! But seriously this happens everyday all over the world,its not unusual the only thing thats unusual is that it makes the news here,while most incidents that involve the locals go unreported
  6. Thais do this all the time so why does it make the news when a foreigner does it?
  7. Bold comment considering you dont even know me or my financial status so im not going to bother with a meaningful reply.😴😴
  8. Wouldnt go there if you paid me,vastly overpriced tourist trap full of miserable russians and chinese tourists, plenty of mafia money flowing through there too,the asian version of marbella
  9. One less scumbag on the streets,hope he enjoys the local thai hospitality that the prison is bound to provide🤣
  10. These kuwaitis seem to be hitting the headlines a lot recently,they seem to think they can do what they like in thailand,but i suppose if you come from a rich autocratic state that doesnt give a crap about human rights and freedoms then you arrive with a similar mindset.
  11. Not the brightest spark did he not think a 500 euro note would be checked? Not exactly the type of note you see everyday 🧐
  12. It should read, as a dictatorship we will not allow anyone to develop a sense of democracy and the thai people will have to accept it, and we dont care what the U.S. thinks until we need some money or miltary aid thanks🤣🤣
  13. Yes and the guide died and the rest were lucky to get out with their lives so neither doesnt really apply does it.
  14. Democracy (if it ever truly existed in thailand) is dead and buried long live the military junta....
  15. Amazing how people want to go down these caves during rainy season, do they have a deathwish or are they just plain stupid?
  16. Just another example to remind people that they live in an autocratic state that doesnt care about the will of the people,and only cares about keeping the the dictatorship at the top of the pile
  17. Im sure a mass brawl in the street will fully return the local thais to their rightful standing in society
  18. Dont worry,visa rules? Here today gone tomorrow they will change it next month the flip flop will continue
  19. Recently a guy got 11 years for running an IPTV service and this nonce only gets 4? Clearly the authorities consider streaming premier league a more heinous offence tha child abuse the law truly is an ass
  20. The way they pack people in like sardines on the jomtien to pattaya route has always been an accident waiting to happen, people hanging out the back and squeezed into the seats is not my idea of a safe journey,i refuse to get on them and wait for a less packed one,sometimes common sense is al you need ( although in pattaya that seems to be the exception not the rule)
  21. Well when you open pandoras box and allow anyone to just walk in with no checks what do you expect? Fake passports being advertised are just the tip of a very big criminal iceberg that is heading thailands way
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