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  1. Can someone tell me why the government have rice stored for 10 years,you are supposed to rotate your stock and use the old stock first.
  2. They're the extra meat ration!
  3. Has there been any studies done since we started being vaccinated on the cause of death due to heart attacks,especially in previously fit,healthy individuals - I suspect not.
  4. The problem with Thailand,as with a lot of countries now,is the ever increasing use of fast food restaurants,fizzy drinks and idleness caused by an addiction to the smart phone,too much food and not enough exercise is generally the cause of weight gain. Dairy fats are a lot better for you than manufactured fats and cows milk is better for you and the environment than the likes of Almond 'milk'.
  5. Tell that to my friends who,after believing what our so called 'experts' said we had to do went ahead and had the jabs and have regretted it ever since,one is now dead,another had a massive stroke caused by a blood clot, others have varying degrees of heart failure requiring heart pacemakers,others have various other ailments which were acquired after the jab. As I've said before about various subjects,we can all find articles on the internet to support our way of thinking,an enquiring mind looks deeper for what the likes of Big Pharma want to hide,after all,it's in their best interests that they aren't found out in a big lie.
  6. I suggest you take a look at why I replied as I did,you asked a ? I answered it.
  7. Presumably he didn't have travel insurance to cover getting him back to Wales,if he was 'footloose and fancy free' the chances are he didn't think about the future in which case he wouldn't have a will either,his death will have come as a nasty shock to his family and friends and they possibly won't be thinking sensibly ie have him cremated and take the ashes back to the UK. RIP and condolences to his family
  8. Yes,the UK police can go to court before arresting someone,believe it or not it's called an arrest warrant
  9. If you had rid of him from the forum you'd have to find someone else to castigate😁 Pan calling kettle black😈
  10. You and others are reading his outpourings and commenting on them,whether you agree with him or not he's giving you something else to think about😊
  11. According to the dictionary an idiot is a stupid person, for example:I feel like an idiot who swallowed every lie I was told,so does this apply to your post? Where I live I would say that April was one of the coldest and wettest months on record,unfortunately that won't fit the climate change/global warming 'agenda'
  12. The poor child is the victim in this,I can't see how old she is but the trauma she will have faced won't have done her brain any good,it will take her a long time to get over this abuse if she ever does.
  13. Or is it the injectors need cleaning? How about servicing the vehicle properly.
  14. We can all be blinded by science if it suits our way of thinking I have a friend who is a computer nerd who is also classed as very vulnerable due to severe health problems,guess what,he did a lot of digging/research and he refused to be vaccinated,he has also had covid and lived to tell the tale. We all have to die at some point,it's in our DNA,those of us who have reached 3 score and 10 are living on borrowed time,enjoy your life while you can,there are worse things to catch than covid.
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