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  1. Ovotesticular disorder amounts to 1.8 cases per 10,000 live births. That's only 0.018%. Totally miniscule. You're talking total nonsense in pretending that this is an issue. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6737443/ The rest of these 'intersex' people are figments of their own deluded imaginations, or are the results of surgical mutilation.
  2. Well, Trump did get elected, capturing a majority of the popular vote, and his party won control of Congress and the Senate. One of his election promises was to dismantle all this gender crap, and that's exactly what he's doing, at long last. Europe and the rest of the world will follow. Thailand hasn't yet got the memo, but it will: Gender fantasy is no longer a prerequisite to its place on the world stage
  3. These monsters are a nihilistic castration cult that must be stopped. Finally, people in authority are seeing the atrocities these people perpetrate against children for what they are, and are taking steps to prevent more horrors.
  4. The rest of the world will follow this common sense approach for sure. Thailand will soon see that the wind has changed and cancel this ludicrous nonsense because it's warped and anti-human.
  5. Yep. If it's born with a todger, it's a boy. End of discussion and common sense won the day.
  6. You've got to be kidding. We all have to put up with this "pride" fallacy for a whole month, with perverts in gimp suits waving rainbow flags and coming on to children. It's all heading for the dustbin of history, at last.
  7. No. More and more people are focussing on reality, and are tired of having warped gender fantasy politics shoved down their throats by a tiny minority.
  8. Gender benders are such a tiny minority, amounting to a small fraction of one percent. Why do they get so much airtime?
  9. Hopefully this warped and dangerous trans ideology will fade away, now that a backlash is taking place in the US and elsewhere.
  10. Not so. I was banging a bored Japanese housewife in my English teaching days. She was fantastic and did everything.
  11. There are good and bad things about anywhere you choose to live. Thailand is cheaper than England. Thailand isn't woke. England has beautiful old buildings. England has weather cool enough to walk around. Thailand is laid back. England is an hour away from lots of interesting cities in Europe. Etcetera. It's all a trade off, but wherever you are, you need friends and hobbies or you'll always be bored.
  12. In the west, children aren't disciplined by their woke parents and look at what they grow up into.
  13. What a daft title the OP has given this thread. He sets the condition that anyone who isn't a Zelensky apologist like him must therefore be a Putin apologist. No debate. Simple black and white. Just like supporting one or another football team.
  14. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Thailand will end up like the ghastly Western world.
  15. Looks like they had money to burn.

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