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  1. That will happen, once the processes are in place. Thailand has signed up for CRS, so will be obliged to implement and abide by it, so enjoy your anonymous life while you can.
  2. It's part of the KYC/CRS/AEOI regime that Thailand has signed up to, so expect more of it. In the West, banks will ask the same questions periodically.
  3. The idea of Australian 'Adhesive Tax Residency' as it's euphemistically called hasn't yet been introduced, but it may well be. One would then need to spend fewer than 45 days each year, for a full three years, to cease being an Australian tax resident. In the meantime, Australia will continue to tax your entire worldwide income. Scary stuff. https://www.exfin.com/tax-residency-tests
  4. Have you tried dealing with banks in the western world recently?
  5. Each country has its own rules on what defines tax residency, so it's perfectly possible to be a tax resident of more than one country at the same time. All a DTA does is prevent you from getting taxed twice for the same thing. For example, if you were a tax resident in both Thailand and Australia, and had already paid income tax in Thailand, then Australia would deduct this amount already paid from foreign source income tax payable in Australia.
  6. If you have tax residence in the UK, and you tell that to your Thai bank as you're supposed to do, then the HMRC will indeed be notified of your Thai bank account details through the CRS/AEOI process. This is why banks periodically ask you where your tax residence is, and 'nowhere' is not an acceptable answer.
  7. Exactly. Britain still thinks it's some kind of moral authority, and can go stomping around the world poking its nose into other people's business. It's laughable when you look at what a degenerate dump modern Britain is.
  8. Thailand actually makes and exports tangible things of value at competitive prices, things that other countries want to buy. Unlike the West, which doesn't make anything anymore.
  9. Ovotesticular disorder amounts to 1.8 cases per 10,000 live births. That's only 0.018%. Totally miniscule. You're talking total nonsense in pretending that this is an issue. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6737443/ The rest of these 'intersex' people are figments of their own deluded imaginations, or are the results of surgical mutilation.
  10. Well, Trump did get elected, capturing a majority of the popular vote, and his party won control of Congress and the Senate. One of his election promises was to dismantle all this gender crap, and that's exactly what he's doing, at long last. Europe and the rest of the world will follow. Thailand hasn't yet got the memo, but it will: Gender fantasy is no longer a prerequisite to its place on the world stage
  11. These monsters are a nihilistic castration cult that must be stopped. Finally, people in authority are seeing the atrocities these people perpetrate against children for what they are, and are taking steps to prevent more horrors.
  12. The rest of the world will follow this common sense approach for sure. Thailand will soon see that the wind has changed and cancel this ludicrous nonsense because it's warped and anti-human.
  13. Yep. If it's born with a todger, it's a boy. End of discussion and common sense won the day.
  14. You've got to be kidding. We all have to put up with this "pride" fallacy for a whole month, with perverts in gimp suits waving rainbow flags and coming on to children. It's all heading for the dustbin of history, at last.
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