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  1. Chicken and egg. These people have hated each other for decades.
  2. True, but it's all a question of degrees of badness.
  3. Spot on. Hamas had been indiscriminately firing rockets at Israeli civilians well before what happened on October 7th.
  4. Nonsense. Personal Income Tax applies to Thais and foreigners in equal measure.
  5. A very long post to say that you don't hold any opinions and have nothing sensible to add to the discussion.
  6. Are you a sheep, or a free thinking person who holds your own opinions, even if other people on this forum don't agree? What's the point of a forum like this if everyone agrees with each other. In you, we see a textbook example of the kind of conformism that's killed the art of debate in recent years.
  7. If you htink that western countries are democracies, you probably believe there are fairies at the bottom of your garden. Whatever you vote for in the west, the outcome is the same. Think only Thailand is authoritarian? Think again.
  8. I don;t think so. Bargirls might say that to you, but most Thais I meet are perfectly happy where they are.
  9. You're talking about the west, right?
  10. How so? Mike said that if Europe opened up, Thailand would move there. I rebutted this by saying that Europe is a dump, and what Mike said won't happen.
  11. Is that so? Read its manifesto and compare with that of the Democrat party. "Conspiracy theory" is a work out term coined by the CIA in the 50's - it's used to denounce an opponent, rather than conduct a sensible debate, so go away if you have nothing sensible to say.
  12. Do you seriously think that Europe is a better place to be than Thailand?
  13. Good news. Thailand doesn't need rhese western backed so called "progressives". Look at the state the west is in thanks to all this progressive rubbish.
  14. I think it depends on the question and how it is asked - like any public service they get lots of daft emails asking for stuff that's already on their website, or is impossible, as well as rude and boorish emails. My wife and her lovely colleagues generally respond to emails from people who are genuinely in need of help. Worth noting is that visas are going all online very soon, with no more visa stickers, so the whole process will be a lot more convenient.
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