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  1. The context is a story about his journey to Washington.
  2. If you lads keep worrying about Covid you will end up dying from a heart coincidence.
  3. We should be fine then, because a couple of thousand is a small number compared to the number of British people residing in the EU. They don't even say why these people were ejected. They could have been kicked out for reasons we all agree with.
  4. Where was he really before he went to Washington? He put out a video where he showed how he did videos with a green screen. He could have been in Poland, or Israel, or wherever.
  5. That is when I knew Covid was relatively harmless. It is sad that old people die. But death is a part of life, whether people die from flu or something else. If 1/5th of China has Covid then you instinctively know that it is not a mad killer plague. Obviously something which is a big killer doesn't spread that far. Sick people stay home. People with sniffles spread it far and wide. When China isn't depopulated from Covid these exaggerating people won't show any shame. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-18/99-of-those-who-died-from-virus-had-other-illness-italy-says?leadSource=uverify wall
  6. The Morgenthau plan came through after all. Companies are closing in Germany and opening in USA, or elsewhere. Graduates are leaving Germany and moving to places with better opportunities.
  7. It sound like Hospitals lobbied for a cheeky slush fund. There was something like this talked about for the American music industry. It was decades ago. Again, I don't remember if it was implemented. The idea was that money from tapes, that COULD, be used for piracy, should be shared out to record companies who were losing to piracy. There is a problem when politicians in any country are taking money from lobbyists. You can't trust the cheeky fellows.
  8. The Thai government are unreliable. I was thinking of taking a trip to Thailand as I'll be in the region in a month or so. But these incompetents make it impossible to plan.
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