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Everything posted by Lifetraxx

  1. Never truer words spoken, unfortunately.. In my early 70s been their done that, I admire the men who have made it work. I've never been happier been single. I'll never marry again. Everything is so much easier. (to each his own I guess) If you're doing all the work to make everything work it will never work apart from leading you to and early grave. Cut your losses, you won't regret it. Live your life on your terms, don't stress over it every day. If you need a bit of female company once in a while, well this is Thailand after all.
  2. It's amazing how fast they spring over mistreatment to a Thai elephant. But right on their doorstep they have a caged gorilla in a shopping mall they want nothing to do about. Thai priorities at their best
  3. The only way for them to treat everyone "equally* is to A: Charge EVERYONE the 300 bht B: Make entry to all parks 100 % free to EVERYONE! The steady income from the arrivals would far exceed any national park yearly ncome in just matter of months.
  4. They have to find it first. They are offering their yearly prizes for the first people to do so.
  5. I've had this happen in the CM immigration many times, the moment you stay at a hotel they update their systems as your new "residence". It requires you to manually submit your TM 30. For it to work the next time you need to go to the TM 30 office at the rear and tell them to reinstate your old address ????????
  6. They used to be my preferred choice of travel, amazing service and food. Flew with them twice in 2018. Their service was non exsistant, food uneditable. I'll never fly with them again I've found much better alternatives thanks to their lack of ability
  7. Exactly, the trouble with Thailand is that they "expect" everything and then promote it as hard fact. I'm sure every Thai "expects" to win the lottery every week as well
  8. Chiang Mai is just a mini Bangkok now. Been here since 2003 it progressively gets worse, especially the traffic.
  9. I've had the same problem after reporting online successfully for many years. Apparently, because I stayed in a hotel on a recent holiday, the system then changes your home address to the hotel address. (it shouldn't) Therefore your address you are reporting is no longer vaid. You have go into the immigration and submit manually ???? To fix the issue you have to go to the TM 30 office and tell them what address you want to use. ???? Having had a long um descussion on why they are changing my reported home address of 20 years to a hotel address, they just smile and say "Thai Style" ???? It will need to sorted eventually as if doesn't match, it can effect re-entry applications as well as extensions TIT
  10. I agree the exact situation happened to me. I had 3 different sets done with 3 different shops. I went to the Embassy and they said only their "recommended" shop was good enough. So it's a definite raught.
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