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London Crocodile

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Posts posted by London Crocodile

  1. Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

    With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

    It would be understandable :o

    it seems that nobody likes that little mouse does it. :D

    I always preffered speedy gonzalez, he seemed to have a way with the female mice also.

    I never saw mighty mouse with a female, i always suspected he was a closet homosexual.

  2. There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

    Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

    Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.



    Why shouldn't I call him black? he was black, maybe by saying he was black it might jog your memory as to he was, if I sad he was an Irish dwarf with red hair and a speech impediment would you have been offended? would you have posted me? I know black guys, but I don't know any that are offended by being called black. do you? or is it somethging else that bothers you? what are you trying to say? :o

    Like i said, don't get to emotional about it, i was just curious to know why you felt the need to mention skin colour, if i had been talking about a white guy of the TV i would not have mentioned the colour of his skin, i was just curious as to why you felt you had to mention the fact he had 'black' skin.

    No big deal. Peace, love, respect and all that. :D

  3. There used to be this mad black geezer on the T.V. years ago called Normski,

    Why did you feel the need to mention the colour of the mans skin? If he had been white skinned would you have said 'There used to be this mad white geezer on the T.V.?

    Please don't get defensive over this question like you have done with another poster and start hurling personal insults, it is a genuine question.



  4. Australian is with a capital "A", :D and stand at attention when you mention our country.

    With an attitude like that i can see why you would be concerned about a Brit giving you a good kicking.

    It would be understandable :o

  5. i dont ever go near a kangaroos back bottom.

    and do you know why that is mate.?

    because the kangaroo dont like that and will kick you in the bollicks.

    Is that the only reason Terry? So if they would not kick you in the balls would you try to get near it's back bottom :o

  6. In Thailand the vast proportion of British expatriates are lower or lower middle class, and this is reflected in forum membership.

    How do British members of thiis forum feel about being described as lower class or lower middle class and a little short on polish?


    im working class and proud of it. there's no such thing as lower class in the uk.

    as for being lacking in polish, well that probably applies to me too. but then polish wasnt something that did you any favours where i grew up.

    i think a lot of this thread is about perception. you look at someone with short hair and a few tattoos and brand them as yobs but that's ridiculous.

    it's the british working class style, most of the lads are sound. i live in bkk but the first time i went to patters it was like being in a uk seaside town again. it was great to be around so many brits on the lash.

    last time i heard, having a few beers and a laugh wasnt a crime. as for scrapping, well it seems people on this forum are scared to death of their own shadows.

    one minute we have threads about how thai men are psychos after a few drinks (one wrong look and you're a dead man) and now it's about the brits.

    if you actually think how many times you go out drinking in thailand and how many times you have seen punches thrown from any nationality then the figure is really very small. stop blowing it out of proportion.

    brits are among the friendliest and most polite people on the planet. fair play is our national characteristic.

    Well said leftcross, let me know when you want a beer mate :o

  7. im talking staight of the street normal bloody thai girls....

    Thai girl is a thai girl - profession means nought!!! :D

    How can you say profession means nought?

    If you start a romantic and sexual relationship with someone that is a prostitute it's a bad choice. By the very nature of her 'job' she does this for a living not for the love. (or are you different) :o

  8. I would guess that these desirable creatures that the OP is finding so hard not to resist are actually just prostitutes.

    Having read other great threads he has given us with such titles as 'Is the Nana Plaza in Soi 4 called "Nana Plaza" or "Nana Entertainment Plaza" (NEP )? Or both?' it quickly becomes rather obvious. :o

  9. They are able to ruin foreigners, because they fall that much in love with them, starting to do astonishing things they never would consider doing back home.

    So, what is it, I wonder? Why are they so... so dangerous. :D I can't find an answer. Can you?

    Sorry mate but the foreigners ruin themselves, Thai woman are not dangerous, alot of foreigners are just a danger to themselves.

    Wake up, slap yourself and get a grip. :o

  10. I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

    Can you explain the connection to the subject and how you come to this conclusion?

    Nah don't bother!


    Grover said when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy.

    If good old Blighty had done this in WWII what do you think would have happened?. :D

  11. it seems, when you are in a corner, surrounded by a large angry mob, and you don't know if they want to kill you or intimidate you, submitting is the safer policy. Personally the idea of submitting to a mob of animals makes me sick, but hey, what other realistic options in this situation are there? :D

    I'm just pleased you were not advising Winston Churchill or this forum would be in German. :o

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