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London Crocodile

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Posts posted by London Crocodile

  1. Americans aren't really affected much by what folks from less productive countries think of us. We're usually too busy doing stuff like going to the moon, pioneering new musical genres, inventing personal computers and the internet, removing evil dictators from power and such to give a flying fork.

    We understand that when other folks feel the need to bash us it generally stems from ignorance, jealousy, bitterness, or a combination of all the above.

    From the AA (Americans Anonymous) website. :o

    "Hello, my name is Eric, and I'm an American."

    "I used to be embarrassed to admit I carried a U.S. passport, and ashamed in turn to be embarrassed about that. These dark secrets led to feelings of guilt and to a vicious cycle from which I couldn 't escape. That's when I discovered AA (Americans Anonymous)…

    "Thanks to this 12-step group, and to the fellowship of like-minded people, I have learned true humility. I have had to face up to the truth. The sad and uncomfortable truth. I now realize that as Americans, we cannot, and never will, measure up to Europeans (among others) in the areas of honesty, generosity, tolerance, solidarité (en français dans le texte), clear-mindedness, humanitarianism, infinite wisdom, true democracy, world peace, and the love of one's fellow man.


  2. Interesting that there is a place for this on the board yet no place for one concerning Americans.

    Just an observation.

    I'd be happy to close this one for you as well if it will make you feel better :D

    NO sbk, it's about the only fun thread around at the moment. :o

  3. Interesting that there is a place for this on the board yet no place for one concerning Americans.

    Just an observation.

    You seem to have quite an obsession with Americans. Jealous are you?

    After seeing Americans Anonymous — an organization for expatriates who are ashamed to admit that they are U.S. citizens i just find Americans comical.

    unfortunately, you must face the truth, your an American.

  4. Some signs of pregnancy in a dog are appetite change, your dog acting different, and an enlargement of the stomach. Normally you will be able to feel kicking of puppies in the 4th-5th week.Not any sooner. But if your dog hasn't gone into heat then your dog probably isn't pregnant.


  5. While having lunch today i got talking to a group of Thai people, we talked about a number of things but the one that interested me most was the way they viewed Americans who travel to Thailand. I got the impresion that they viewed them as being arrogant, insensitive, over-materialistic and ignorant about local values.

    The overall concensus was that Americans are rich, dumb, and happy - and it is therefore justified that they be cheated and overcharged.

    What are your thought's on the average American in Thailand?

  6. The 'life for a life' argument is one that seems to me to appeal to a sense of vengeance rather than justice.

    The argument about innocence is perhaps the most compelling against the death penalty. Only the most stupid people believe that innocent people have never been executed, and it is of course impossible to make any kind of adequate restitution for a life wrongfully taken.

    Perhaps if judges, juries and executioners were themselves made to face manslaughter charges in the event of a wrongful execution they might be more careful.

    Ultimately, my own point of view is that capital punishment is a relic of barbarism and should be abolished.

  7. ulysees' actions were complete and utter skin saving cowardice. to see a young girl being beaten by a gang and then not intervening is low, very very low.

    I agree, disgusting :o

    Well maybe understandable from someone here on a two week holiday who doesn't want to get involved in native customs, but not from someone who claims to be a long term resident. :D

    Sorry lamphun, if you don't think not going to the aid of a small girl being beaten to death is disgusting.

    What has the length of stay in Thailand got to do with anything?

    Don't tell me you are another board member who seems to think Thai people hold some supernatural power where if they are challenged for any reason you are doomed to the black waters of some klong.

    Between the Colnol Pyat coming to the aid of victims of the militia fighting the cival war in the industrial belt of Bangkok, the posters on here who would let people walk over them like a door mat so long as it avoids confontation and the people who say dont get involved if it's not your business i realy am at a loss what to think. I realy hope this is not an indicator of the type of foreigner living here, i think half of you are scared of your own shadows.

    If i saw a young girl being beaten to death by a group of other 'boys and girls' i would get involved, place and time mean nothing and guess what, IT IS MY BUSINESS, it's your duty to the community and a small defensless girl, anyone who would not take on the responsibility through fear of getting hurt is a coward.

  8. Go to iraq and stop the <removed> pain! Why the heck are u still here? What do u do on a daily basis?

    If you saw someone shooting someone, what do u do?

    how old r u?????????????

    Go and save a chicken or something in the KFC thread.

    You realy are a bore :o

  9. This thread has an impressive number of banned members on the first page.

    Does it date back to the flame wars? Are there any survivors who can enlighten the uninitiated?

    I know where they went but its that place that cannot be mentioned..................that said i am sure some of them have never really left. :o

    You get banned for the slightest reasons now, the many regular posters that no longer bother with the site is a good indication of it's demise.

    Over moderated is an understatement.

  10. 'how many people have you put in hospital'?

    'how many times have you glassed someone'?

    'how many times have been thrown in jail'?

    'have you ever pulled a knife on someone'?

    How many people have you stabbed to death?

    How many people have you shot dead?

    How many different methods have you used to kill people?

    What is your preffered meathod of killing?

    Do you murder on a regular basis?

    Would you consider yourself a serial killer?

    Would others consider you to be a serial killer?

    Do you consider this to be a pointless thread?


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