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  1. Thank you. It's a sealed lead acid battery used for a UPS (uninterrupted power supply)
  2. Could someone recommend a place in Chiangmai that takes in old sealed lead acid batteries for proper disposal and recycling?
  3. Last year at CM (not BKK), copy of TM30 was asked for when extending non-O permission to stay.
  4. I have heard slightly different versions from different volunteers and IOs about how dates are calculated (this is CM immigration). To be absolutely safe, stick to 800K for 3.5 months pre and post. (This is not OP's situation, but many foreigners do keep 800K year round to avoid the hassle despite low interest rates.)
  5. Yes to file a new TM30 preemptively when you come back in, ASAP. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  6. Malaysia is relatively benign. Unfortunately this is not the forum to discuss details, but you are obviously on top of the tax issues.
  7. Risks: floods, storm damage and power disruption.
  8. Malaysia, Philippines and as of now Cambodia
  9. Right ..... Good luck to your tax planning.
  10. It is possible. However most people would want to get out of tax residency. To intentionally get into double or multiple tax residency status to choose which country to pay tax to is a very novel idea. Perhaps it exists in a handful of combinations.
  11. Where did you get this concept? Residence falls on one side or another, and DTAs have clauses to decide residence.
  12. Saw the video. Did the man drive dangerously? Yes. Did the boy (RIP) ride dangerously? Yes. I don't know how much to blame either party. Almost killed a woman on a motorbike once. She swerved into my lane (right, fast) to make a James Bond style u-turn. Slammed the brakes and just missed hitting her bike.
  13. DTAs do not work this way. Both Contracting States (at residence/domicile and at source) will have a right to tax (save for exemptions, limitations, non-discrimination or other clauses). The resident has no right to select which country he pays tax to. At best he can claim tax credit under the particular DTA to prevent Double Taxation by both Contracting States.
  14. Spokesperson must have breathed a sigh of relief.
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