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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. They joined Nato and now have been corrupted by the filthy jackbooted thugs of Yankee imperialism
  2. as usual, page after page of ignorant speculation.
  3. Well old fella, you enjoy your life of beer nand nap time. Perhaps you could fill us in on the rest of you interesting life, like reruns of Doogie Howser and watching your nose hairs grow. Me? I got limited time left, plenty of cash to burn, a kid that makes more money than I did at her age, loads of weed and available venues where I can wallow with teenie hardbodies. Im comfortable with myself, Im a gutter crawling stoner pervert who acts like a testosterone filled teenager and Im a lewd, crude drooling lowlife who might be found at the drip bar in the GoGos staring at camel toes instead of in Church. You have fun drinking beer, flogging your sorry ancient appendage in the hope of finally getting a senile dribble and going to bed early. Im gonna die with my boots on, in the saddle so to speak, and no nose wrinkling moral police will tell me how to go. And I support Trump too, mainly to increase my portfolio so I can spend more of my kids inheritance on weed and chocha.
  4. Well Im not an expert I was there last month LOL and will be there in 3 weeks. When was the last time you saw a Euro girl out and about. Only one I recall was a mid 40s chubby Russian who used to work the Mickey Ds about 10-15 years ago. After my trip Should I report here or in that other forum where its all about the action? Ill probably grab a GoGo girl and my regular for some threesome action, then just fish around in Thermae. Id be happy to guide you, seems like you need it. Or your friend.
  5. Better off then what? Pullin chicks out of Thermae is worse than sitting alone in your $50 fan room choking your chicken till it bleeds? We should have a poll.
  6. They have Papasan
  7. Eastern girls? Nada, not in years and never really on the streets.
  8. You forgot to call me Sir. Now go spend some dollar backed currency and we will call you when we need you, and it wont be for your opinion
  9. Stickman is a cool dude. He was with me when I barfined my first Nana girl. He must be waaaaay old LOL
  10. Well they are giving up more than 3 minutes of their time, it takes me that long to get my socks off. But hey, once a month I get two or three, how many you guys get? The old Raja. 3rd floor real russians. Sigh. There are no young hot Viet girls down there anymore at least as of last month. Thedisgusting African girls are usually cruising on parked on the corner of Soi 6/Soi 4, cant recall the name of the hotel there
  11. Anytime you get what you want you scored.
  12. Ive never been grabbed by one in all my years in Thailand. The ladyboys are perspicatious. They know who to grab. Your friend must give off ladyboy lover vibes. Soi Nana is full of them too.
  13. i would hope so. If I found out that my kid was even talking to anyone who posts here I would put her in a convent
  14. wow. Im impressed. Cant even get a good insult these days. Dumbass kids
  15. I never had nor needed any dignity, unlike you, who lost whatever you had with that post
  16. Do but I really would like to see your Jew snifing technique. Can you do it from used underwear?
  17. Hi its me Mr. B52. Remeber as you bash the USA that your government will jump when we say. That means you jump when we say. You may hate Uncle Sammy, but he rules you. Im technicaly your boss.
  18. The ruffled dress one is a ladyboy (.45). At about 2:14 there is a gal with biggies under a white blouse. Nice girl, been there about 7 years. Bowl haircut under the picture at 3:20 has been there for years. She epsecializes in Asians.
  19. Walk up, smile offer money. By score I mean findingin a woman that matches my tastes.
  20. Yeah barfines were 200B. Now you cant hardly even barfine out of Soi Cowboy as its all drink pumping
  21. Really? How many times ya been there?
  22. so many bars, so much alcohol..but no instagram. thank god
  23. Well I outgrew chicken shacks 40 years ago
  24. Thats you bro. I get the top 25% any time I want. If I want it, there is no no. As to the rest of your post, thats exactly what I have been listening to for 30 years, Simple business: one fumbling inexperienced Asian, the eternal 3-3-3 rule, 3 inches for 3 minutes for 3000 vs one beer addled 37 year old buff guy from Manchester wearing an Asian Street Meat fan club T-shirt. I know who I would be selling it to if I was in their position.
  25. Yes I misphrased that. Its more like 60% are dilletantes, 40% are "pros". I just usually judge by how often I see them over the course of a year or so. Some of the girls I recognize as being there for more than 5 years. Here: If you go to Thermae, take your clockwise walk. On the RIGHT side as you enter (ie the end of your walk), across from the pole where you go into the middle bar, might be a short skinny girl with a tiny petite body, short blonde hair and a face that could scare her own mother. In fact, she looks like her mother who was a fixture in the Thermae for years. Turned her own kid out she did and they were doing mother daughter action. Her mother was very ugly, face like a deformed clown. Anyway daughter now is still there 7 years on and rumour has it that she is the best. Shes too ugly for me, even thoughn she is a total spinner, but I wish one of you would take one for the team and let me know.
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