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Everything posted by Yagoda

  1. Walk around like a zombie, somebody is gonna grass you.
  2. I like that. That should be the greeting any time American enters the room. Practice.
  3. Release him. How dare the Phillipines give up their sovereignty to some Socialist apparatchiks.
  4. Like Russia hasnt had spies out there since Peter the Great. Thats what Russians do.
  5. My life is great.
  6. The sky is falling. Truuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmppppppppppp Eeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggglubchoke
  7. Who is going to push me around? Anyone is too nebulous. Where? Here? USA?
  8. How is he gonna rearm? With what money? His old s**t dont work and his new stuff is s**t. He has to worry about the Poles, the ancient enemy who know how weak he is and who are just drooling for Koningsburg. And the Finns would like Karelia. Hes 72 years old, sooner or later, he will die alone in his dacha and his revanchist dreams will die with him.
  9. Off topic, stalker, there is an open topic which you avoid
  10. So you just spout nonsense without knowing the facts. Cool. Got it.
  11. I could tell ya stories LOL
  12. You have no facts to back up your assertion that arent propagandistic manipulation, but go ahead, show us.
  13. Well this guy, because he has, as determined by the government, to have ties to the seriously depraved murderous terrorists Hamas. He will have his day in Court,
  14. Screeching, out of context lies that the American people have rejected twice. You are starting to sound deranged.
  15. There is a debate open, try over there where you imaginary country guys are losing
  16. I dont know anyhting about the dude other than he won, but they just cancelled out a winning election in Romania. Bet he was a "right winger"
  17. OMG, where do you guys come up with this stuff. Please provide exact quotes, in context, where Buffet criticizes Musk
  18. The problem is Europe is a basket case, and something needs to shock them back into reality. One cant live in reality one denies.
  19. Lizard people. Notice never any facts or analysis, just eplileptic screeching like a Kookaburra on Crack.
  20. We only care about what he is doing outside the US as it relates to whats best for us, viz Fact: A strong independent Europe, able to provide their own security, and operating under American principles and not interfering with our eceonomy to their benefit is best for us. Fact: A strong, non revanchist Russia is best for us, as a counterweight to china. All things flow to that
  21. Well hes only a month in. But at least you are keeping an open mind and have the correct goals. What is he doing to "screw up". He is setting up some major wins.
  22. https://www.thebarentsobserver.com/security/while-trump-casts-doubt-on-nato-policy-b52s-make-first-ever-bomb-drops-over-lapland/426131 Hey buddy, just look at you huh? Messing with the silly corrupt Ukes and getting your military destroyed, now look. The Poles are all freaked out and talking about nukes, you know those dudes totally hate you guys. And looky here whats going on up North? You know, those crazy Finns would love nothing more than to get back Karelia that Joe stole. And they are only 150 km from Leningrad or whatever you call it. Finns really dont like you, their national hero is Simo Haya. Hell the word Russian is an insult in Finland. No Vlad chill, the Germans arent going do anything to you, they are history. Charge them what you want for gas. But Id be worry about China, you know you cant trust them.... (Written solely as an example of what COULD be said.)
      • 2
      • Confused
      • Haha
  23. My life is fabulous. Im having a great time, especially now that its DST so I get to watch Fox News evening shows earlier. Better for my social life. That being said, again, No man is an island. My professions have always been intertwined with politics, history, economics and philosophy. I believe in charity too. Maybe the screams are appreciative that I oppose that which killed them. Enjoy your hating. You are an Anti-trumper too I bet.
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