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Jeff the Chef

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Posts posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. 51 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Israel was not in Gaza, this was about Gaza and Hamas. Nobody rewards terrorists for such atrocities to innocent people


    Well if things don't change this time I expect many years of the same, eventually one side or the other will have to compromise, hopefully Palestinians have learned a lesson and Israel will have the grace to live alongside there neighbours in peace.

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  2. 1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       I have a differing opinion 

    Once Hamas have been wiped out and Gaza are free from those gangsters , there could be peace if Gazians want it .

       They may decide that war isn't a good idea and the best thing for them would be to live a peaceful existence with Israel 


    I hope you're right but somehow I doubt it, it has never worked in the past "lawn mowing" season's.


    The only way it might work is if there is a 2 state solution, and Israel butts out of trying to control Palestine as a state.

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  3. 34 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


      Watch what people do and not what they say .

    Biden needs to keep the anti Israel  Left wing on this side for the forth coming elections .

    That is Biden's main concern, winning the next election and his supporter base are anti Israel 


    I think that ship has sailed, the only thing that the world can hope for is that the 2 numpties both peg out before the election.

  4. 2 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    Your idea of fair is justifying he Hamas slaughter and hostage taking by saying it’s 50/50. A Hamas apologist by definition. Nothing justify the worst terrorist acts imaginable. 

    You also believe in conspiracy theories with all the crap that he would lie because of AIPAC. 

    All in all a pretty vile post

     Truth hurts for some, I guess.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    You can blame Hamas for that one, but no the hole that you are questioning his honesty because of pressure from the Jews in Gov. 


    I'm pretty fair in regard to blame for this conflict, there both to blame Hamas and Israel. As for the US Gov they couldn't lie straight in bed.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    Got it, so You think he would lie because a group of Jews would pressure him to. you also think the problem is there are Jews in the US Gov. Careful there you’ll be digging a hole soon


    That hole was excavated, months ago, when it was plain to see how bad this was going to get, and before I forget their allies in UK are just as bad in both parties.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Jeff the Chef said:

    I find it unbelievable that people on here don't think that the barbarism that occurred on the 7th Oct was done on a whim and that Israel had given the Palestinian people no reasons for them to hate and despise them.


    2 minutes ago, transam said:

    No, it was done for a few quid, chap, it's in black & white.........😂

    Time for you to stand down, no more excuses for Muslim stuff...........:clap2:


    My comment and your answer, get to the doctors, your medication is not working 

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Wobblybob said:

    They are not as bad as each other though, this is the reality and for this never to happen again Israel must eliminate Hamas.




    4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Tell that to an 8 month old baby hostage. Or one of the female raped hostages. Actually tell that to any of them. You are an apologist. There is only one side to take when hostages are involved.


    Here lies the problem, both of you can only see the carnage caused as the fault of Hamas and the Palestinians, Israel are the innocents, who have no parts to play in any of this conflict, so we can all sit behind our keyboards from now until eternity and watch this go on indefinitely.

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  9. 5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    What's needed is to appreciate the words of the innocent hostages and get back on topic that, is to be applauded, rather than make lame and vile attempts to justify civilian's and terrorists having taken them in the first place. 


    There is no justification from either side, they are both as bad as one another, both intractable in their beliefs that they are both right and until there is a complete change nothing will change.

    • Thanks 2
  10. 15 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes I read it, so you are finally back on topic rather than making excuses for Hamas war crimes against the hostages :clap2:


    "In the tunnels, the hostages received no information about the outside world, she says. They had no idea of the scale of the October 7 massacre, nor Israel's military response against Hamas which to this day has killed more than 30,000 Palestinians.

    She was not aware that 75 residents from her kibbutz were taken hostages, and that 38 of them were kill,"



    The last thing that's needed is rounds of applause about any of these topics. What's needed is changes of attitudes from both sides to sort out this disaster for the whole of mankind, have you anything to bring to the negotiating table apart from death and destruction?

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  11. 39 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    I've already responded to that post........read it again


    Carry on with your shameful defense of the OP


    'Those who barricaded themselves in the mamads died, because the terrorists shot through the doors and set them on fire,' the told Le Point.

    She says she was covered in a sheet and driven in a golf cart to the border between Israel and Gaza before being transferred to a car, which took her to Khan Younes - southern Gaza's largest city from which the IDF withdrew its troops this weekend.

    Margalit says she noticed that those who had kidnapped her were jubilant as she was driven to Gaza and there were cheers in Khan Younes from crowds there, she recalls.

    'I saw elderly people, children taken hostage,' Margalit tells the magazine.

    'The terrorists who captured me were civilians. They negotiated with Hamas to sell me. When they were paid, I was taken straight into a tunnel.'


    From the same link:


    Margalit's latest account of her experience in Gaza came after Israel's army said on Saturday its troops recovered the body of another hostage from Nir Oz.

    The recovery of Elad Katzir's body brings to 12 the number of bodies of hostages which the army says it has brought home from Gaza during the war.

    But it gave no comfort to his sister, who blamed Israeli authorities for his death.

    The IDF said in a statement that 'the body of the abductee Elad Katzir, who according to intelligence was murdered in captivity by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organisation, was rescued overnight from Khan Yunis and returned to Israeli territory'.

    Katzir, 47 at the time of attack, was abducted from Nir Oz kibbutz community along with his mother Hanna.

    She was released on November 24 during a one-week truce in the war in Gaza. Katzir's father was killed during the attack at the kibbutz, the army said.

    The army said its intelligence suggested that Katzir was murdered in mid-January, shortly after Islamic Jihad released a video footage showing him in captivity.

    'He was buried in the ground,' a military official told journalists at a briefing.

    Following intelligence, troops reached the site and 'began excavation' work to recover his body, the official said.

    'Their efforts resulted in the discovery of the body, which was then transported to Israel for further examination,' he said.

    Katzir's sister expressed fury at the authorities. 'Elad was kidnapped from his home in Nir Oz in one piece,' Carmit Palty Katzir wrote on her Facebook page.

    She blamed the Israeli authorities for her brother's death, saying he would have returned alive had the authorities agreed to a new truce deal.

    'Our leadership is cowardly and driven by political consideration, which is why this deal has not happened yet,' she wrote.

    'Prime Minister, war cabinet, and coalition members: Look at yourself in the mirror and say if your hands didn't spill blood.'

    Her comments reflect intensifying pressure on the coalition government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over its handling of the war.

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  12. Just now, Bkk Brian said:

    There is never justification for taking innocent hostages no matter what history there is with Israel. Hostages that included women. Children and babies. Hostages have been raped, abused. The only one needing to get over themselves is you and your lame apologist deflection.


    Another load of diatribe against me, thanks, water off a ducks back.


    Now try putting your mind on to the point I made in the original post and I quote:

    "I find it unbelievable that people on here don't think that the barbarism that occurred on the 7th Oct was done on a whim and that Israel had given the Palestinian people no reasons for them to hate and despise them.

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  13. 18 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    This is not about you though, its a topic about the hostage. You would rather victim blame Israel we know that already


    Israeli nurse abducted on October 7 kidnapped by Palestinian CIVILIANS then sold to Hamas


    Get over yourself, my comment has everything to do with this situation, from the hostages, to the terrorism of Hamas and the response from Israel up to press, you don't want to address anything apart from revenge and destruction in Gaza.

    The victim here is not only Israeli's, it is also the whole of Humanity that is witnessing this tragedy.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:


    So first I debunk the neutrality of your first "expert" so you post another who is just another ally of Israel from the USA, the real winners of this conflict, follow the money. 

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