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Jeff the Chef

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Posts posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. 23 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    There are also very good reasons to not demonize Zionists or Zionism. That is being done more than usual lately. It's not really surprising. The very word Jew which technically is neutral is used by many as a slur. 


    I think the opposite, Jews I have met throughout my life have all been great people, some are very religious, Orthodox, others had all the patter but didn't as far as I know go in for the whole Synagogue thing, others that squared the circle would back in the old country come round for a bacon sandwich on a weekend. different strokes for different folks.

    Zionists on the other hand, those who wanted to go to Israel to live could really bring a downer to a great party of mixed people, with there views on people that didn't see the world their way.

    Just my experience.

  2. 3 hours ago, Hanaguma said:

    For me, I am left wondering what is the end game for the gormless lefties who mindlessly bleat out "genocide!" and "cease fire!".  Do they want a return to the status quo ante? Return Hamas to power in Gaza, along with the continuation of the worst conditions for women and sexual minorities anywhere in the world? A land where there is no freedom, no joy, only hatred of Jews.  Sorry but that is not acceptable.


    To me, you lose all credibility with the comments like "gormless lefties," hatred of Jews. The problem with Israel is Zionism not the Jews, to me 2 completely different entities.

    Palestine is their Country, like it or not they have not been born in a Western/European environment, their values at ground level are different to ours, to me, we are all about material rubbish and consumerism and the me me me culture.

    It could also be argued that we in the West/Northern Hemisphere have lost the plot as far as communities are concerned.

    The World is getting smaller thanks to modern communications, your point about conditions for women and minorities, there way of dealing with LGBGT stuff worked fine for hundreds of years, who are we to say that is wrong just because it's become to me, fashionable in the West, but hey, women are alright but there's nowt like the real thing.

    All the haters will still hate, but to me give us a bit of slack, we are not all the same.


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  3. 4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Were Hamas elected by the Palestinians in Gaza?


    No, they seized control from Fatah in the battle of Gaza. Check your history. The rest of your questions have nothing to do with your self professed support for Hamas.


    Are you a member of the IDF?


    Your lying or WiKi is:


    Legislative elections were held in the Palestinian territories on 25 January 2006 in order to elect the second Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the legislature of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The result was a victory for Hamas, contesting under the list name of Change and Reform, which received 44.45% of the vote and won 74 of the 132 seats, whilst the ruling Fatah received 41.43% of the vote and won 45 seats.[1]

    The newly elected PLC met for the first time on 18 February 2006. Incumbent Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei tendered his resignation on 26 January 2006, but remained interim Prime Minister at the request of President Mahmoud Abbas. On 20 February, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was nominated to form a new government. The new government with Haniyeh as Prime Minister was sworn in on 29 March. As of May 2024, no new elections have been held since this one.



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  4. Israel eyes war in Lebanon, but Hezbollah poses unique threat
    Netanyahu has neither the US backing nor the bombs for a conflict with the Lebanese political party, and the consequences for Israelis could be catastrophic


    Ever since it became clear that Israel’s ground attack on Gaza would be unprecedented and carry on for months without end, the region has been acutely aware of the risk of the conflict spreading like wildfire to the Lebanese border.

    In the last few days, this metaphor became a reality.

    Firefighters on Tuesday battled flames around Kiryat Shmona, brushfires set off by a volley of drones and missiles fired by Hezbollah.

    The undeclared war in the north between Hezbollah and the Israeli army has been intensifying, with each side trading heavier blows across an ever-widening area.

    Israel targeted senior Hezbollah commanders deep in the Beqaa valley. In response, Hezbollah demonstrated that its rocket force is qualitatively different from Hamas’s arsenal.

    Israeli soldiers take shelter in an underpass in Hurfeish in northern Israel, 5 June 2024 (Reuters/Avi Ohayon)

    Israeli soldiers take shelter in an underpass in Hurfeish in northern Israel, 5 June 2024 (Reuters/Avi Ohayon)




  5. War on Gaza: Why Hamas cannot accept Israel's ceasefire proposal


    Contrary to Biden's portrayal of the deal, it does not guarantee an end to the war, nor a full withdrawal of Israeli forces


    If anyone owns the daily carnage in Gaza being carried out by an angry and humiliated Israeli army, whose ranks are filled with religious settlers, it is US President Joe Biden.

    From the first days after the Hamas attack on 7 October, Biden framed this savage act of collective punishment on 2.3 million Palestinians as a just war.

    It was he who led the charge that Israel had the right to defend itself. It was he who sabotaged calls for an immediate ceasefire at the UN Security Council. It was he who replenished Israel’s stocks of smart bombs and missiles.

    And it is under his watch that the US turned its back on the two highest courts of international justice.



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  6. Middle East Eye has exclusively obtained a copy of the ceasefire proposal that was made by Israel and passed by mediators to Hamas last week.


    The Israeli proposal, which is a counteroffer to one mediated by the US, Qatar and Egypt on 6 May, says Israel has agreed to a "temporary cessation of military operations" for 42 days that will be followed by open-ended talks to reach a permanent ceasefire.

    It says the "temporary ceasefire" can be extended after the initial 42-day phase "as long as negotiations on the conditions of stage two of [the] agreement are ongoing," the document says.

    The Israeli response also offers limited withdrawal of troops in the first phase of the three-stage agreement and says the complete pull-out would take place in the second phase, which is subject to further discussions. 

    It also stipulates that Israel can veto the release of at least 100 Palestinian prisoners serving life sentences in the first phase. 



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  7. 54 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

    Troll check where they fight from, keep weapons and hostages. Is that illegal?


    A bone of contention you are opening there, one man's Hamas Terrorist is another man's 

    1 minute ago, Nick Carter icp said:


    No man, how drones, UAV's work, operate, and include military.

    As for the proof, have a look at the source/poster.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       It doesn't show that though . 

    It looks like a video with a green cross imposed on it and that video filmed , the video doesn't show any explosion . Looks like a video of rocket launchers , then a green cross put on that and that was videoed otherwise the green cross would remain the same size  


    Sorry mate, I give up, try Goggle.

  9. 12 hours ago, Yumthai said:

    If you can document that the individual who receives the money in Thailand is the one who has inherited there is no issue where the money is put.

    Anyway, your mother (non tax resident in Thailand) can gift you up to THB20M/year tax-exempted in Thailand. No declaration either.


    Does that apply to anyone who is a non tax resident in Thailand, being able to gift up to THB20M a year, tax exempt, with no declaration?

  10. 21 minutes ago, Nick Carter icp said:


       I have no idea  what that means .

    I expect that you are tying to be clever 


    Make daft comments get daft answers.


    Just to help you out lets think about it, the video was taken by the drone and then transmitted to whoever had access to it, the drone then as shown in the clip hit the missile launcher. 

    Think about skydiving, taking a video of your the descent, you are so happy with what you are doing that you forget to pull the ripcord for your parachute consequently ending up as strawberry jam.

    Got it now?

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  11. 3 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Indeed, and that's just one of the 50 tunnels that were crossing into Egypt.

    Hope the IDF keep looking there must be 100's of tunnels, nothing like dragging up old news.

    The Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels are tunnels across the Gaza–Egypt border, used to bypass the Rafah Border Crossing, which is used for exceptional cases only, when opened at all. The first recorded discovery of a tunnel by Israel was in 1983, after Israel had withdrawn from the Sinai. The border, redrawn in 1982 after the Egypt–Israel peace treaty, divided Rafah into an Egyptian and a Gazan part. The tunnels used to start from the basements of houses in Rafah on the one side of the border and end in houses in Rafah on the other side.



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  12. 20 hours ago, transam said:

    So using the word now is wrong, the same as innocent until proven guilty.....

    In other words, members using the word genocide are in the "Hang 'em high brigade", guilty before being judged............😏 


    Hang em high, not in this day and age, surely we have moved on a little bit, oh wait, this extract from Wiki sounds not so historic under the present circumstances:


    While the concept of genocide was formulated by Lemkin in the mid-20th century, the expansion of various European colonial powers, such as the British and the Spanish Empires, and the subsequent establishment of colonies on indigenous territory frequently involved acts of genocidal violence against indigenous groups in the Americas (including Brazil, Paraguay, and the United States), Australia, Africa, and Asia. According to Lemkin, colonization was in itself "intrinsically genocidal", and he saw this genocide as a two-stage process, the first being the destruction of the indigenous population's way of life. In the second stage, the newcomers impose their way of life on the indigenous group. According to David Maybury-Lewis, imperial and colonial forms of genocide are enacted in two main ways, either through the deliberate clearing of territories of their original inhabitants to make them exploitable for purposes of resource extraction or colonial settlements, or through enlisting indigenous peoples as forced laborers in colonialist or imperialist projects of resource extraction. The designation of specific events as genocidal is often controversial.



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