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Jeff the Chef

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Everything posted by Jeff the Chef

  1. I was in a similar position to you, been in and out of Thailand twice, within the visa on demand dates, i.e. 2 x 45day, always left in good time. Went from DM to Saigon at the end of March for an overnight stay, flew back to DM the following morning with no problems with immigration, no questions, just presented Passport did the fingerprints and photo, quick look up and down, handed back stamped Passport and welcome to Thailand. 70 year old Englishman.
  2. Anybody know of a bar in Phichit where you can play pool?
  3. Local Thai, services my A/C,s for 300baht each, includes a refill if needed, cheap as chips and no problems now, even though we've had a couple of weeks in the high 30's to 40's in Phisanulok area.
  4. I wear bi-focals, blind as a bat without them, forever popping the lenses out, I have 3 pairs, whenever they get loose I've taken them in to any opticians and they have always been sorted for free over here, I always tip whoever sorts them out, I always offer a 100 baht, once in Pattaya, Central Mall the guy refused to take the money.
  5. Advertising never hurt anybody, if you've got it, flaunt it ????
  6. Flew out to HCM/Vietnam Saturday, flew back Sunday morning only out of the LOS about 14 hours/overnight. TBH had no idea what to expect, all ladies on the immigration desks, did the finger print scan and photo, cursory look through passport, 2 previous 45day visa's, plus a 30 day extension, always left before due expiry, no questions, stamp, stamp and a welcome to Thailand from the lady, thank you says I and off I went, no dramas. I'm a 70 year old Brit, and the G/F future wife always says dress smartly, i.e. long trousers and long-sleeved shirt.
  7. I'm doing this on the 25th, back on the following morning, I did ask my local Immigration office what the procedure is and was told overnight was acceptable, my girlfriend did ask if out and back would be OK and he did say technically yes but it is preferred to be different dates. We'll see what happens.
  8. I've just brought a 2015 Ford Focus Auto 1.6 ECO, private seller, transferred seamlessly to Thai wife from Bangkok area to Phisanulok, spent 6k at the local Ford dealer giving it the full service for the 190kms it has done and asked what the mechanic thought, not bad he said, recieved all the old parts back after fitting all new Plugs, filters etc. Runs great., gave 110k for it, tidy car. I've been playing with cars all my life, My feeling is in Thailand because there is no big rust problems as in the UK and Europe if it runs, stops and behaves as it should 2nd hand cars are a bargain if you know what you're doing over here.
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