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Everything posted by DrCosmix

  1. Exactly- never had an issue with WISE previously but when you do you realise.....
  2. After a discussion with WISE?!!!! You actually managed to get a working telephone number? How many minutes before somebody answered? How did you get a number for WISE? Who provided it to you? What is the number? All the original numbers have changed! The idea of having a 'discussion' with WISE is a joke. They dont answer or they answer and keep you on hold thus generating income for them. What is the number for WISE? One that actually works please. Personally I dont want multiple virtual CCs I want an effective realistic money transfer system with a support staff who answer the phones and have a real email adress and real email address
  3. WISE who are they where are they? BE WARNED
  4. Yes. So all the money you have in your WISE can be spent and so dont keep any money In you wise account
  5. Good tip about freezing and unfreezing card
  6. This forum is ASEAN based and covers world affairs including economic matters, banking, currency, investing,sport, health, politics etc
  7. Theres no barriers in the whole of the London underground which is just as well as it still wouldn't be completed. I hope she's OK.
  8. Actually its they who are working as service staff with foreigners who need cultural sensitivity awareness and training as part of their job. Respecting cultural values is a two way street. Historicaly some Thais have a mindset that learning a foreign language or respecting a foreign culture is similar to being invaded. There is a strong resistance to doing things the western way. Ignorant obstinacy is part of the Thai mind set and has help preserve their culture but also held them back. Its kept them ignorant and angry.
  9. I've heard 'they' are building or have a Little Havana Cuban Style area somewhere in Pattaya. Does anybody know anything about this?
  10. Sounds great. Its wonderful how despite the wishes of the jaded cynics who like to project a one dimensional view of Pattaya based on their own experiences no doubt when they first arrived there is so much going on all the time. The current music festival alternating between Jomtien and Pattaya Beach is in the evening. I suspect this in the daytime. Although I wont be going especially if I was there I would be very very pleased to attend it albeit for about half an hour.
  11. Get out now! Try and support financially but get out. You are doing your daughter no favours giving her an example of unhappiness and strained relations and repressed hate. They dont need you. You dont need them.
  12. "Banned" is a word with specific meanings and connotations. Are you sure you have been 'forbidden' from using their services or that you just cant get the system to work for you? Could you clarify please?
  13. A word to the wise: have nothing to do with WISE. Nobody on this forum wants to have a genuine discussion about them. Your cc scam is common apparently- Their call centre support may not be reliable- they have no call centre staff in the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/mar/10/european-markets-spooked-by-us-bank-shares-sell-off Digital banking like digital currency is not safe. Its not underwritten by anything except confidence often of people promoting the product such as on forum If you are thinking of opening an account with WISE or REVOULT slow down and think again. If you already have one think about winding it down because one thing is guaranteed if you have a problem YOU WILL GET NO HELP FROM WISE- AND THEY ARE NOT PART OF A GOVERNMENT SCHEME. They are not a bank . They just shift money around for people. As regards the OP Im sorry about your loss but thanks for letting people know. Im closing my account down after several years. It's just not worth the risk
  14. I think the general concensus is that SWIFT and REVOULT style online digital banks are trustworthy, reliable and econmical. I have been using SWIFT for several years but for the reasons Iboutlined will no longer do so and will close my account. Its changed recently. But I consider this discussion closed now.
  15. "Its out of the transfer companies control" Ah..thats OK then..LOL
  16. Good point. I always prefer real high street agents. I aint gonna sit in my living room staring at screen to save 30 quid then discover ive got no ink in my printer or ive got to fiddle around with a digital ticket.
  17. In the UK its bitterly cold. Its grim and unhappy people want out ASAP for short and long breaks and even taking the plunge of renting out their property and moving to to warmer climes. Airfares to Thailand are going up unsurprisingly.
  18. Who cares who's to blame? The issue is does the system work? Its up to WISE to find a solution not play the blame game. I suggest that for several months transfers to Thailand can take days and WISE are in denial and mistaken bout transfer time taking seconds. I'm not talking about the 50k limit issue. If the partner/ interbank in Thailand is holding the money WISE should chase them up or provide the customer with the appropriate number to make enquiries themselves.
  19. I think anybody even considering opening an account with Wise or Revoult should consider the following: Where are they based? What's their address? What's their email address? Does their UK support telephone support number actually connect you to the UK or to a call centre else where in Asia? Under what government scheme are they accountable and for what amount? If your money goes missing and you report it missing how much help will you get? In such a situation- what is their response time? Is it and other such non banks like Revoult an accident waiting to happen? How much money do you actually save compared to using SWIFT which cost £20 per transaction and takes three days. Currently WISE is costed by percentage so can be expensive and can take days especially if near a weekend. The fantasy claims of moving money to Thailand in seconds is not true not to most banks anyway......not anymore.
  20. Thanks. I had my 4th then it all seemed to fade out. Im here in LOS. My UK folks seemed to follow the same patten
  21. In parts of Pratumnak you can see the change, the increase in numbers but you can also see the degentrification of a once pleasant suburb, parts of which were inhabited by royalty. Now we have squalid rubbish dumps, litter, garish bars with Western themes and hundred of poor Russian families in crumpled clothing wandering around, some say, escaping the fearful misery of Putins war. They are sad to behold. Compared to them the Walking Street Indian are sophisticated and minted
  22. Yeah I feel we are not getting enough info on when and how to get the next shot / booster and in what context its required. I dont want a debate with the anti vax flat earth squad on this forum thread- another time and place for that debate.
  23. Transferring money to Thai bank account. Is 'Wise' reliable. What are the alternatives? Recently Wise has been unreliable with delays in transfers. Is Revoult any better or is it better to use SWIFT straight from my UK account to my Thai account more secure and more accountability. I'm thinking of definitely taking all my money out of WISE- They are borderline ......pretty dodgy and could dissapear overnight. I used to recommend them to everyone but now would suggest people stay clear of them. If you are only moving 50k baht a month i think SWIFT is just as good and definitely not as scary! When the money goes missing
  24. If its such an issue the police could remind people a week beforehand. Just last night I set alarms for my 90 day and my visa extension because I am forgetful. I can easily happen if its a matter of a few days.
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