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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. he can use: I only followed orders from mister teflon
  2. he should go to the monk that got that 7 million baht beemer, as a gift
  3. plastic bottles = microplastics reverse osmosis = expensive filters that get dirty quickly when mine broke, I tried those big 1 baht / 1 liter machines still ok after drinking this for over a year...
  4. do foreigners in other countries not have to do a TM30 or hotels reporting to immigration?
  5. the vatican has billions in euros, property, etc... empty churches, there is where they should put illegals... not in 300$ a night hotel rooms... 36.000$ just for food of 1 illegal I heard for 1 year... anyway, the flood of illegals into USA, I call it karma they destabilized africa with wars and coups and pushed tens of millions of refugees/illegals into europe...
  6. TIT anti corruption police is corrupt ... what could go wrong ? why not do like in china for officials that steal in these amounts ?
  7. how about the dude that took the bribe? normal ? no jail ? how many times he already accepted bribes? unusual rich ?
  8. so, did they find drugs in her vagina? sex is encouraged during pregnancy....
  9. the private school alone will be a loss, as a start... work permit ?
  10. the sympathiser is filmed in thailand, pretending to be vietnam...
  11. get rich guaranteed and immunity like a pfizer deal...
  12. TIT... inspection? brown envelope ? percentage on the sale... going to where? a country they can fool once ?
  13. don't bring a knife to a gun fight... dangerous stuff in TIT accidents happen a lot, well, you can shoot a cop with a room full of other cops and go away scott free if you have the connections
  14. we are pushed to go eat bill's fake meat full of seed oils that cause ... not health
  15. happened many months ago but all classic MSM is copying the same 'thing' nothing to do with some certain injection that cause young kids to go bye bye?
  16. let me guess they want tax payer's money to pay for it, not the island profits
  17. is the mother of your child hostile towards you ? then forget about the child, pay nothing, find another woman... yes, court and dna to prove you are the father... enforcement, this is thailand... going to court every time, LAWYERS will love you, as it will be easy money TO TRY , for you... with no guarantee...
  18. advise from AMA, that promotes for money that cereals are healthy...
  19. 10 year old rice in storage, for what purpose ? i assume there must be 9 year old rice, 8 ... but why, as it cost a lot of money, no ? who is getting filthy rich? not the farmers
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