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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. thailand should get their head out of their ass... when will they enter 20th century (yes we are 21st)...
  2. one way... slim down army, useless anyway... not that you can convert them into RTP
  3. mpox mixed with ebola mixed with covid? just read faulcy will get a free out of jail card...
  4. maybe the dead dude denied an insurance claim for his dying wife/kid ...
  5. what a joke needing 40-65k... off course it is enough... a 1500 baht room with a fan, 100-150 baht a day food and water frugal, but many thais do with same or less... wait OP is a crypto millionaire... just trolling I guess... the 1 million only is nothing with 90 BTC in his wallet
  6. better be late in this world, than early in the next...seems a big bike
  7. do the crime , do the time what's wrong with dying in prison?
  8. one more time song popped in my head... why not do this will all soi dogs or dogs that bite people
  9. meanwhile in the west... private cell with tv, xbox, and people with KG of cocaine go free...
  10. child abuse + hope parents pay out of pocket, not insurance or free anything surgeons, hospitals are the one's gaining from these costly mutilations... when they cut of clit and lips in african young girls, outrage in the west when they actually sterilize young kids with mental problems...start to think it is a good thing, that they will not reproduce anymore...
  11. hope to read an update about the why...
  12. going to an amusement park here might be dangerous too, if you have some neck/spine problems... at least he died loving what he was doing...
  13. you don't think corrupt RTP will not prefer to get paid, as usual and pretend nothing happened? human sex slave trafficking, same as other crimes, no deterrent sadly... 10-15 years hard labor would be a good start... to the salt mines, lol
  14. never stop using the big head for sex here... giving away your hard earn life savings .... thais in general never can or do... so why would you buy even your 'wife' a house in a lump sum of yours ? LUST confused with love in most cases... those sex workers are professionals at their trade... just like nigerian scammers... well at least you will get some 'action' for your money
  15. hidden costs of older building... mine suddenly came up , for MONTHS, to double the common fee, so called agreed by co-owners with juristic office... would not surprise me they got a cut... TITS
  16. hope for one more stupid farang that would marry them? built them a house? stay as pimp, aka mamsan? does OP speak fluent thai and did polls with the bar girls? doubt it... paid writer, story teller
  17. 7x or 10x more, is not more, it is EXTORTION ... and a reason to avoid such places yes show them who's boss.. like 90 days bull or giving a long stay married or working foreigner, a 5 year extension or just residency if proven to live here, have a life, kids, work or retirement...
  18. how did he finance his 10 year stay? banks copy your passport these days...
  19. corruption in thailand? prostitution? criminal gangs? bent politicians? drugs?
  20. if she pays her respect first in germany, all will be ok, look at thaksin
  21. the elevator at lat krabang airport link, out of service for a whole freaking year... a sign is cheaper than repairs
  22. easy solution, SHE PAYS FOR IT... I suspect, just another TROLL AI GHOST WRITER check the dude's history of post... only question / trolling bob back and bored?
  23. on social media? so no bots to detect and put on high alert and contact police asap ?
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