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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. seriously? DHEA was removed from Iherb a year or two ago... pressure of big pharma... I see no other thing... they prefer to sell you TRT or other dangerous hormone replacement, instead of the safer precursor or hormones... many things like melatonin over 0.3 mg was banned to be shipped to Europe much better SLEEPING to sell big pharma's pills that cause ALZHEIMER/DEMENTIA
  2. will be fun to see all those opened cannabis shops closed... FOR RENT sign...
  3. national outrage.... loooooooooooool... slow day ? why are there no public toilets and where do monks pee? the person that took and spread this picture should go to jail for spreading child porn online... no ?
  4. you blind ? he was jerking off and forced her down
  5. my daughter was depressed 2 years ago and called the local hospital and they said, see you in 6 to 8 WEEKS...
  6. what is the difference between low worker and ceo... in the west it is easy 1000-2000x where the ceo gets 3 years salary or more, PER DAY of the lowest worker... insane... but here you have mega wealthy people with monopolies exploiting the very poor
  7. if you use ketamine, look up what it does to your bladder...
  8. prostitution, drugs, corruption... that is thailand , and pollution and 40 deaths on the roads per day
  9. strange that those serial offenders are always released on bail or early.... one case of sexploitation of other humans should offer him lead to the brain or at least, life in prison, no parole the name is typical american? lol... and from asean descent... thought it sounded south american-ish
  10. if they make the trans pay out of pocket, NO PROBLEM but why waste money on mutilations of teenagers that might regret it you can't get a tattoo nor drink alcohol or drive a car but you can decide you get your genitals mutilated for life ? the new eugenics ? many end up killing themselves, because the problem is not the body, it is the brain
  11. politicians that know nothing deciding over ... same as what they do to farmers, well in Europe... they forgot the procude are food... watch clarkson's farm to see all the red tape involved... he might get away with it as he is rich beyond ...
  12. maybe you will meet new half brother's and sister's soon ?
  13. lol... does that website belong to the same owners as this one ?
  14. this is for his benefit only one tug , my ex brother in law, made very good money selling satellite solutions in tune of tens or even hundreds of millions to myanmar, for thaksin, his boss
  15. hope someone scanner a serial number, but probably not great idea, switch and bait...
  16. she is indeed interested in him, a part that is... his wallet
  17. fraud? normally your old passport get the snip from your embassy, no ?
  18. great change to get sole custody unless she goes the defamation lawsuit against him tour TIT
  19. he found 'love' or the best sex by a professional and don't want to leave until his money is all gone... then it's gofundme why would police do anything, they don't even investigate rape of minor in many cases
  20. like the joke on SNL, if your child attend uni at 68.000$ a year (what a steal with student loans for the next 20 years) ... do you want your child to protest ? they can do that when they are unemployed... with their woke studies degree
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