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Everything posted by handymax

  1. They got it all wrong....this is not about a strong baht or any other currency....it is all about a weak dollar.
  2. How did Google manage to calculate enough electricity generating capacity to run this when Microsoft recently walked away for the same reason?
  3. If the account is overdrawn, no matter what name it's in, then the overdraft will be fully recovered with fees, by any new deposits and before any new withdrawals are allowed....this is pretty much global Banking 101....nothing new here.
  4. 3, 4 and 5 for sure are true almost anywhere......1 and 2 maybe not so true, but need to be smart and use common sense on a case by case basis.....
  5. Highly doubtful this would ever happen, and if it did, half the country would borrow money for a one way air ticket and never return.
  6. Nvidia makes graphic processing units GPU (video cards) for high speed gaming applications. It's not really correct to designate them as the leader in AI technology.....that might be a future goal but certainly not how they got to where they are today.
  7. It's a UNESCO world heritage site, access is not supposed to be controlled or denied by stubborn small organ males with limited education and common sense. How embarrassing for both countries.
  8. Hey Doc, now you know how we foreigners feel every day we're in Thailand, try going to a national park and paying 10x the entry fee, just because we're not Thai, or the local market and paying double for a simple bag of food. Doesn't taste good, does it?
  9. An expat or anyone other than a Thai citizen could not own a shophouse in Pattaya or any other location for that matter, it must be owned by a Thai national, so right there in one sentence your statement is BS.
  10. 1 month prior to the expiration of the current registration
  11. I got a 30 day (visa exempt) extension last Tuesday at the e-extension office 3rd floor of the B Building on Chaeng Wattana Road. No TM30 was requested or needed. I submitted a few forms, signed something acknowledging the penalty for overstaying, paid the 1900 baht fee online with a credit card at the VFS web site. Appointment set for 9am, nobody there the place was deserted, only me and the immigration officer, I said hello, sat down, she stuck a stamp in my passport and I was out of there in less than 10 minutes. The next day I happened to be up on the 4th floor of IT Square and that place was a jam packed mad house, I'd never go there after seeing how easy it was to do it online.
  12. Looks more like a homemade toy, than an actual war weapon.
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