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Everything posted by JGV

  1. if you keep quiet in the uk i guess life is much the same undewr starmer but activists are regarded as a problem as the uk descends into an orwellian nightmare - Priaon time if you cricise Israel
  2. harris has no plan and has done nothing to enact border control in 3 and a half years in office as the border tsar - she is pro war supporting the fascist zelensky and the pro genocide netanyahu her so called sdvocate of free speech is a dream from yesrter year democrats - the curreent crop are the globla elites who are pro war, pro militarey complex, pro big pharma and pro censorship of speech that is against the global elite
  3. this headline is rubbish - he is very sharp = memory recall solid for a 77 year old and isn't kaowtowing to the globalists he believes in free speech, wants to get out of the ukraine war - doesn't want to upset apec and would have a working relationship with putin
  4. yOU May be right but honesty is not a popular trait when it comes to large companies
  5. THE
  6. The risk of transmission to humans is so minute you have more chance of being hit by an aircraft from the sky - they are trying to frighten you to get the jab forther down the track
  7. I recently went to my local True office and asked about paying a little more for an improved service delivery in terms of greater bandwidth and was told I could pay 999Bt a month for this service previously paying the standard 650Bt a month. The girl said sshe could arrange that with Bangkok - I went away and thought I would see how the service particularly live streaming of sport from Europe and Australia as I enjoy viewing NRL and of course football and tennis from EuroPe - ovEr the next week or so the live streaming was really as bad as ever although occcasionally I would get a few hours without buffering - a few days ago feeling frustrated I looked into ISP throttling your usage which affected your ability to view live stream also could I vpn improve the service - nusy traffic when school children use the network after school and at weekends - any way a couple of days ago I saw a newspaper report about broken Internet cables in the Red Sea courtesy of Houtis sinking one of the ships that either US,UK or Israeli - My point is that this happened more than a month ago but True conveniently avoided mentioning this when I asked about fast service - clearly they were aware of this incident in the Red Sea but saw an opportunity to get some extra cash off a customer who was unaware of this - my post is to mAKE AWARE OF THIS TO ALL tRUE USERS
  8. I am in Roi Et Use True upgraded to 999 t a month to lmprove the diabolical buffering on live streaming of Rugby (Aus) and Tennis (Paris)Now today it is worse than ever Is just True or is it B2B and TOT as well
  9. Suni is part of the global establishment and wants to stifle the right to protest effectively banning fre speech and is projecting this falsehood that Pro Palestinian protesters are anti semetic - No they are anti genocide and many Israeli jews are also protesting against genocide by Netanyahu's fascists - What is a fact is that the UK government is funding the Israeli governments with weapons that the Isaeli government use to slaughter women and children in Gaza
  10. Is thi so called expert wanting everyone to get vaccinated to help with his cash flow Evidence needed not just a guy stating his opinion
  11. When did Brighton become a beach where nudity is OK
  12. They should have made it 20,000 Baht - He wouldn't do this on a beach in UK - I am embarressed to admit that I am British - very disrespectful behaviour and I am not a prude - there is a time and a place - St Tropez probably - I was there in the mid 70s and camped on a nudist beach but kept my shorts on
  13. What about the millions of older Thais who rely on going to branches to get their money - I don't think that they are going to switch to passwords and Internet banking as most don't have Internet
  14. Is this US propoganda
  15. Do you want censorship of what you say and write - who decides what is fake news the government - sounds like they only want to hear good news - governments that can take criticism are governments tha are healthy - 1984 George orwell - read it
  16. My advice Exercise and better diet - no processed food - Exercise 30 minutes a day and stretching routine Statins have little effect on cholesterol - a great effect on big pharma profits Your numbers are generally very good for a man of your age' Diet and exercise - drugs have side effects that could lead to more druga
  17. Empty planes isn't a solution
  18. I was intrigued by the observation that illegal workers involved in the tourist industry particularly in Pattaya have a greater command of English than local workers - this reflects on the abysmal education system provided by the government with regard to English proficiency and may indicate that the government is happy that the general public have poor language skills which eases their job in saving money and thus precipitates an obediant population
  19. Wise decision but how is he going to earn a living
  20. Have been in Thailand continuously since 1993 - Lived In Sattahip for 29 years - Throughout that time I have always had a THai bank account I have always rented a property usually renewable yearly I have been married to a Thai woman and been divorced Last Friday I travelled to roi et province as my girlfriends family live there I had already arranged a new lease on a house in Roi Et I have a 1 year Retirement visa obtained in Pattaya last October I went to Bangkok Bank to transfer my account to the local branch in Roi Et Firstly the bank told me they can't do it until I get a form from Immigration - did that 500 Baht lighter - I asked is that the only thing i Need - she said yes that is all Next day arrived at bank with form , passport, bank book - was told by some snooty matron like woman that was not enough and that I needed the land document of my girlfriends parents - an original document - rather irrate I said what if I came alone - she said that they wouldn't give me a bank account after 30 years with a Thai bank account and a i year visa and the permission form form Immigration Anyone at there explain why this happened - JGV
  21. dave i live in sattahip - i own 250 vinyl records that i want to sell - 70s 80s lots of originals - plan to leave for issan soon as girlfriend's parents are very old contact me here or at astahugo99 AT gmail.com for list if interested john from uk
  22. i can think of many more people thaat need eradicating around the world - dogs treated well will be friends for life unlike fickle humans who are totally unpredictable - power hungry 0r silent with no personality
  23. china believes that taiwan is a part of china and therefore he sees actions by the taiwanese government as that of a rogue state - whether i agree or not it is sending a message to the thai country to support china's stance on the island or take the oppostance in supporting the us governments claim that taiwan is an independant country
  24. Last year had a hernia op - private room stayed 5 days 80, 000 Baht I think Maybe a few thousand cheaper -
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