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Everything posted by jwl53

  1. I will go out for a couple of sherbert on the bar strip in my sleepy little town and I will.bet I can count at least 100 foreigners and thais openly smoking the <deleted> in bars and the street plus many many more smoking in bars and resturants which is illegal
  2. I looked into this a few years ago, for a pool villa to come under hotel laws it has to have 4 or more bedrooms, that is what the lawyer said
  3. He is still pulling all the government strings, he is running the country from the shadows with his daughter as his mouth piece
  4. Anyone ever told you you a horrible racist you see the Muslim word and you tar every Muslim with the same terrorist brush,
  5. The British health authorities warned of the dangers on vaping years ago, they said it would take a minimum of 5 years before the problems started to emerge as it was a unknown hazard
  6. I pay for virtually everything by scanning from petrol stations to lazada to macro to local street food never ever had a charge added, think it must by your bar scamming you
  7. But we already have this in place, when changing my phone I have to go to the banks to register it with them before I can access my online banking Both my banks required facial recognition 18 month ago
  8. The solutions are easy, the hard part is policing the solution, it's no good just saying we are going to do this and do that, talking shops don't work without enforcing the rules, Make your decisions what your going to do then do it, get the police on the streets,not to get tea money but to enforce your laws,
  9. Where I live in Kanchanaburi there are big blue rubbish bins every 100 meters or so but some of the thais still burn plastics, bag, bottles,etc instead of walking few meters to the bin Not a lot of problem you will say but times that by a hundred fires a week, then times it by thousands in thailand all goes up in smoke won't you say
  10. We have a saying in the north of England........"where there's muck there's brass (money)" you can't have one without the other But at the moment it's the same all over thailand, drink, weed fuelled parties with the stench of weed filtering everywhere, I'm not saying all the kids drink and take the drugs but a lot do that's the problem
  11. This story might make all the bigots and keyboard warriors ashamed of themselves now after all the <deleted> they posted on the original story, R.I.P young man and heart felt condolences to your family
  12. Deemed him a threat to what? To who? From what I understand the British government has not applied for extradition, there is something more to this story that we don't know about
  13. Wonder which perfect country you are from?
  14. Problem is not the dogs but the dogs owner, lack of social skills from the owner, lack of training for the dogs
  15. in the western world he'd be in jail What western world do you live in? You get a smack on the wrist, a bracelet on the ankle for for serious crime, no licence, insurance 3 points and a fine
  16. They should give the free visas to those of us who are honest law abiding residents who help the thai economy greatly
  17. “I sat in that jail cell for days, not knowing the time of day, Only phone in the world without a clock, but still had a camera, hummmm You saying 75% thais are barbarians? They have squats and mandi
  18. “I sat in that jail cell for days, not knowing the time of day, Only phone in the world without a clock, but still had a camera, hummmm You saying 75% thais are barbarians? They have seats and mandi
  19. “I sat in that jail cell for days, not knowing the time of day, Only phone in the world without a clock, but still had a camera, hummmm
  20. Who is going to police the measures? How will you catch the farmer setting fire to his field? 24 hour watch on every field? Unless you see the farmer actually strike the match and set the fire how will you prove he did it? He will claim sun through glass or a fag end out of a car window, yet another talking shop
  21. And forced the knife into her hand as well
  22. I hope the bus driver was sacked immediately for his road rage, imagine the carnage if he was driving at 100KPH and something happened sparking his road rage, The Bolt driver should also be removed from his job for blocking/obstructing a entrance way (one of the few things thai drivers are good at)
  23. Hummmm no Thai women or ladyboys then
  24. As such the need to protect tourists from thias should be the same
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