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Everything posted by jwl53

  1. How do you know? Are you a medical person? Have you examined him? You could be right but maybe you are wrong, many reasons for his condition Wait for the reason instead of publically assuming
  2. And who will oversee the overseers? The higher you go the higher the tea money
  3. That's right. It's okay & just around 40 baht. And just where do you buy them for 40 baht? Makro around 60-70 baht a tin
  4. Better even to call him English, or Scottish, or Irish
  5. Or better still stay away from Pattaya full stop, why you want to go to a lawless city is beyond me
  6. Gotfrid is pissed off he is not English, Irish, Scottish, or Welsh
  7. What a sad disrespectful person you are
  8. It is his daughter's elder brother from a previous marriage to a Thai guy that is not his kid, it is his young daughter that is being abused not the 14 year old boy read properly before posting
  9. How do you know he is in the wrong? You a close friend of his and he admitted it to you? Or is it a case of guilty by association? You must be the victim, the judge, and the jury all rolled into one, have you not heard of innocent untill proven guilty
  10. How do you deport a dual national?
  11. Baa we could say next generation of Thai, but why try to be discriminatory? Why not just say the next generation eh!!!
  12. How surprising, a vote for the the MFP puts them out of office
  13. 44k year it don't sound a lot for a principle, someone compared her to a dancing girl and her income what the poster didn't mention is the principle retires at 55 on a full pension, the dancing girl has got to.finish 30-35 because she is to old with out a pension or income
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