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lordgrinz last won the day on December 4 2024

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  1. From what I observe, households spend more on cigarettes, booze, gambling/lotteries, and new cars than anything else. Adding casinos will only throw the country (poor/lower middle-class) into even more debt.
  2. The Devil has his number, he isn't long for this World, his chair is prewarmed and ready.
  3. Retired Expats in Thailand are considered rich here in Thailand, so you may be <deleted> out of luck.
  4. Training, Training, Training!
  5. ....or just leave, and take their money with them.
  6. I assume he isn't too pleased with her lack of in-your-face politics that he is used to, if you want something done right, do it yourself.
  7. Just in time for pollution season, but the Chinese are used to that, so they will feel right at home here. My eyes are burning today already, welcome to paradise.
  8. Which makes you richer than 97% of Thai's, so you're known as an ATM here, enjoy your stay.
  9. If you want to see Thailand's lower middle-class and poor-people sink further behind the Elite, this would be the quickest way to that goal.
  10. TIT....Like Immigration Offices, they are basically independent, running things whatever way they see fit, with almost no oversight.
  11. Time to disband the UN, and kick them out of NYC, it has become nothing more than a joke.
  12. Thais love debt, the more they can obtain, the more they add to it. I have not met a single Thai, other than my wife who is not buried in debt.
  13. They must have been blind or completely stupid when they put this plan together in the first place.
  14. Paid for by the Emperor Thaksin, not the taxpayers, correct?
  15. I assume they mean MFA, which is still a nightmare, requiring all documents be translated to "certify authenticity". How certifying authenticity would happen is beyond me, the process for apostille (which in the USA would be almost impossible for financial documents - and more expensive then you could dream), if that's what they are referring to, is a complete nightmare.

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