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  1. "Poor Vlad"? I find that hilarious, he holds Crimea and the whole Eastern part of Ukraine, and the West has themselves convinced this war is almost over and won.....SMH
  2. Are either of those "generational welfare recipients"?
  3. We could always get the generational welfare recipients to do it, no more freebies.
  4. That first rule has been replaced by "feed our greed", Medicine is now about Big Pharma, the whole system needs to be rethought.
  5. "high ranked policeman husband", he may be in line for the next RTP leadership post, he's surely got some new skills to add.
  6. I hope they are rounded up, biometrics taken, wealth confiscated, sent home with a bill to their home country for services rendered, and never allowed entry into the USA again. The way to deter illegal entry is to make sure the punishment is severe enough that they won't even attempt it, especially if it means they will never be allowed back in again. If their dream is asylum, they can do so the proper way, by petitioning from the country they came from/entered, these people are not Mexicans coming from Mexico.
  7. They need to send a strong message, I would be looking for the first idiot who decides to break the law, then throw the book at them. We need to start sending these obstructionist to prison, no more Mr. Nice Guy!
  8. Since he likes to use his hands to fondle women without their permission, take a sledgehammer to both his hands, he'll learn not to do that again.
  9. Can the victim demand the court allow him the same action, eye-for-an-eye? Let the defendant choose a few years in jail, or he can take a shod foot to the head, and take his chances. If he dies afterwards, or is braindead for life, its his own choice.
  10. Good, I hope he gets locked up for many months, then deported, and blacklisted for life.
  11. A shattered pelvis is a dead giveaway, happens when you hit the handlebars.

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