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lordgrinz last won the day on January 29

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  1. Hopefully they rot there for eternity, good riddance.
  2. I asked my wife why Thai university students would even be so violent, which isn't typically seen in the West, she said these are vocational schools. Not sure that explains it, but still odd to see people who are furthering their education to be involved in violence.
  3. Umm? You new to Thailand? https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2024 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_Perceptions_Index
  4. So, to avoid violence, stay away for Pattaya? No problem!
  5. Just another example of what happens when you teach everyone in society, including children, that corruption is OK.
  6. AQI of 210 this morning here in Bangkok, always nice to wake up to polluted air, it goes well with the polluted land, polluted water, and the chemically contaminated produce.
  7. Yeah, the wife and 9 yr old daughter dictate my life 🤪
  8. If you don't want the Spicoli types showing up at your establishment, get yourself a "No shirts, no shoes, no service" sign 😜
  9. Exactly, let Natural Selection work its magic.
  10. 200 unelected Junta hand-picked Senators elected the Prime Minister.
  11. My wife just finished our Thai tax, my TIN is used alongside hers, but we obviously put "0" for any income from me, as I haven't remitted any money since 2023. Hopefully that will stay true until the end this year as well, by then I'll have enough anecdotal evidence from the many guinea pigs on here.
  12. I reluctantly left the USA 9 years ago, and went back last year, I miss everything back there, and still hate Thailand with a passion.
  13. Well by all means school us professor.
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