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  1. Good Gawd, this guy was a walking timebomb! Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen Atheist Anti-Islamist Psychologist Psychiatrist
  2. Wake me up when it reaches 38+ THB to the USD
  3. I'll bet no motorcycle license either.
  4. Hey Thailand, the modus operandi of the Chinese is to rob or cheat you out of every baht, resource, and intellectual property they can find. Either you wakeup and put and end to it, or watch as they strip you of everything.
  5. Is there some reason a yearly "traffic safety plan" can't be launched, and sustained?! 🤬
  6. Thai's refuse to follow any laws or rules, so I see no reason why they would pay taxes either, which is why the government is trying to push for a full digital economy. No more "cash", means no more hiding from taxes.
  7. I think he would have gotten better much faster if they told him that any time spent in a hospital would not be counted as time served.
  8. It's not a "license", it's a permit, and it must accompany your home country's drivers license when showing it abroad.
  9. People listen more when you take money out of their pockets, eventually they get the picture. Might take awhile, but it will sink in, it just needs to be consistent.
  10. Darwin will fix the issue of TikTok and its members.
  11. I believe a correct moral compass exists in us all, it's an individuals choice to follow it, or not.
  12. I am hoping before I become too old and feeble to defend myself that they make pepper spray legal here, I think a can of Bear Spray would work wonders in these situations.
  13. Oh wonderful, the convicted heroin dealer is still in the news. Here's a hint for Thailand, promoting this guy is a national disgrace, rethink your vote.

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