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lordgrinz last won the day on December 4 2024

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  1. I could show you daily videos from the canal road over near me where every motorcycle is travelling down the center divider line, and even when entering intersections where no passing is even allowed, not to mention completely insane to do so.
  2. See this every day here near me, it is totally illegal to uses the center line to pass between vehicles travelling in different directions. Motorcycles must stay to the left at all times, unless passing, but not by using the center line to do so. She killed herself by not following the laws/rules/regulations that she should have known, if she even had a motorcycle license to begin with. This is literally the dumbest thing any motorcycle rider could ever do, and it happens every day here, you don't have to wonder why motorcycle deaths are so high here in Thailand after watching this demonstration of stupidity.
  3. Did they confiscate their passports? I mean they probably aren't even in Thailand anymore.
  4. How many do they need to control their citizens? Can they more effectively strafe crowds of democratic citizens better with these?
  5. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Thailand is the last place that's needs to add more vices. Casinos and Marijuana might work, but only after severely subduing corruption, and installing a real police force that enforces laws and regulations 365 days a year, not as a short-term media stunt.
  6. There isn't Shin in history that has/had any integrity.
  7. A billion baht here, a billion baht there, come on guys it's hard to keep track of your money (Daddy's hidden ill-gotten gains).
  8. Finally, Thailand may soon become home Heaven! 🙃
  9. Start revoking licenses, clean up the taxi mafias, eventually you'll weed out the trash and end up with respectable drivers that people can trust. There are way too many taxi drivers out there, some that should never be allowed to drive a tricycle let alone a taxi, they need to be purged.
  10. Gang members or terrorists should be shown no quarter, they should be exterminated on sight. Time that governments get tough on these groups, make it well known that they will be executed as enemies of the state.
  11. This may put a damper on Chinese tourists coming to Thailand, expect those numbers to crater!
  12. Better form of charity then sending some drunk and irresponsible Brit home after throwing caution to the wind.
  13. Maybe motorcycles suppliers/dealers should start offering GPS trackers on motorcycles, seems to be a necessity nowadays.
  14. Yes, more CCTV cameras and fines, the Cameras are doing a better job than the RTP in protecting a serving the people.
  15. I avoided it like the plague on New Years eve, but then I hate crowds of people, so it wouldn't be on my list.

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