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  1. Same.Every.Time. For some reason (probably financial interests) the Biden's are media darlings. Maybe it's the military industrial complex (imagine how much money the US would save if they stopped fighting and losing forever wars around the world). I'd like to see the stats on how much the U.S. has spent on e.g. homeless people for the last 100 years vs the amount it's given 'Ukraine' over the last 18 months. Trump's also an embarrassment but if you open the hood, the 'democrat' party has been taken over by corrupt and opportunistic socialist war mongers. Look at their actions: Whether it's wars, suppression of free speech, or mandatory medical interventions: it's UNamerican & dictator like. All of that used to all be associated with the authoritarian right (& Nazis), but NOW those things are owned by the so-called left. I'm not sure what is 'democratic' about the democrats nowadays but millions of people blindly follow what their group tells them to & that's where we are now. Even the imagery has been 'extreme right wing'
  2. The 'Biden Biddys' control this site and won't hear a word said against him or his son. They attack like a pack of soi dogs. Totally one eyed but oblivious. Weird choice of guys to put on a pedestal but TiT
  3. f you're not too bright, like getting drunk all the time and 'hiring' young women you'll probably find a lot of farangs OK. But realistically it's 0%. If you're extremely lucky you may find the 1 in 10,000 who's decent but it's super unlikely so why waste time dealing with all the trash? 20 minutes on here daily are enough of a reminder that it's just not worth the effort. Quality western people generally don't retire in Thailand. Sad but true.
  4. Agreed. Anyone idolising Biden or Trump is beyond the pale IMO
  5. dupe (pun half intended ; )
  6. https://news.yale.edu/2020/08/11/study-americans-prize-party-loyalty-over-democratic-principles Study: Americans prize party loyalty over democratic principles The cultural programming in you is very strong but that's fine though : )
  7. Like most on here, you were sold an 'off the shelf' democrat worldview so your cultural programming doesn't allow you to consider anything outside of the blue box which was designed for you to be living in at this moment and probably until your death. That's fine though. https://news.yale.edu/2020/08/11/study-americans-prize-party-loyalty-over-democratic-principles Study: Americans prize party loyalty over democratic principles True AF
  8. Like most on here, you have an 'off the shelf' democrat worldview so your cultural programming doesn't allow you to consider anything outside of the box which you are in. That's fine though. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.” “Any year that passes in which you don’t destroy one of your best-loved ideas is a wasted year,” says Charlie Munger.
  9. I get that but no need to call yourself a 'Marxist'. Not sure he actually gave a <> about workers - 50/50 chance it was just a grift for power. PS. I like Trump cos he annoys ALL the right people, has never worked a day in his life, bangs the most expensive <>s, and says he puts America First but would never call myself a Trumpist : )
  10. No offence but you seem pretty sensible - why would you want to iD as a marxist? Is it just an academiic thing or serious? I guess you're aware of the horseshoe theory - at least you're allowed to keep your 'stuff' under capitalism. I guess marxism would be fine if you work high up in the regime but otherwise can't see the benefit. It's also NEVER worked in practice. Sorry for asking but WTF?
  11. I don’t think that Joe Biden just supported the war in Ukraine and vilified Russia as an enemy - Joe Biden did a lot more to poke the bear and instigate and fire up the war. Also, when Trump left and Biden came in, there was peace. Look at it now.
  12. The covid event was a catalyst that revealed all the weaknesses of the US system that many of us have been warning about for years. And now it seems as if the establishment is trying to drag things along for just a little while longer. The reason why is up for speculation, but the fact remains that a broken structure cannot be propped up with stop gaps. I’m doubtful that Biden will be able to ride the wave created by covid stimulus until the end of 2024. Something has to give. Prepare for President Trump AGAIN
  13. For Biden, The Key Is To Create As Many Government Cash Injections As Possible Until 2025 You want to know why Democrats are so angry that the Supreme Court blocked Biden’s plan to make taxpayers cover student loan debts? It’s not because they care about naive college kids who paid too much money for useless degrees – It’s because student debt relief would immediately add trillions more in spending in the short term to the US economy. Biden’s constant attempts to introduce infrastructure programs are another way the government can create the illusion of recovery by using debt spending as a means to hide the signs of fiscal decline. Without Fed stimulus it’s the only option Biden has, and as rates rise it becomes costly. The bottom line is: The US economy is on a short timetable as long as the Fed continues to raise interest rates into weakness as a means to suppress inflation. seen in spring, higher rates are already breaking the back of mid-tier banks and the Fed’s backstop funds are only enough to stall the debt crisis for a time. Once the Fed Funds Rate is raised to 6% or more, we'll see ANOTHER banking crisis similar to the 2008 crash, but this time if the Fed steps in with a bailout hyperinflation will be the immediate result. Bidenomics is a joke in every respect. Anything that could be considered an economic improvement is due to the Federal Reserve playing the odds with interest rates. The 40% increase in the money supply (mirrored in inflation tems) helps in hide the fiscal as well but luckily, most Americans aren’t buying the Bidenomics fairytale – They see the ongoing price rises for rent, fuel and food and the other dangers around them every day.
  14. I agree - senseless war - he'll get the chance in 2024. Also “Joe Biden” did a lot more to poke the bear and instigate and fire up the war. But that’s just me. You can be the judge of that too. Also, when Trump left and Biden came, we were at peace. Look at the US now x
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