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Posts posted by ICU Kid

  1. 1 hour ago, placeholder said:

    I wonder if those who have had the misfortune to need the services of the NH would agree with your assertion that there is no difference between Red and Blue. I kind of doubt it.

    If dunces still believe in team 'red' or team 'blue' are not one & the same riddle me this:


    How does a complete unknown get parachuted into one of the safest Tory seats in the country, and 8-years later be installed (NOT elected), as PM,

    having just lost a vote for that office? Is that “democracy”,

    or patronage?

    (BTW, I'm talking about the UK Prime Minister).


    Also, how did a Knight of The Realm, Sir Quier Starmer, get elected as head representative of the UK's working classes?


    Come on Placcy, even you should be able to work out UK politics is establishment controlled fake pro wrestling hegelian dialectical nonsense

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  2. 4 hours ago, JayClay said:

    I was also against the war, as was the majority of the public.


    If I could see through the lies at the time, whilst having no access to the government, why wouldn't the tories be able to figure it out ????

    Faqce it, the Reds & the Blues are the same party with the same puppetmasters.

    ALL are official WEF (& CFR in the case of Starmer) members  pushing Mass Immigration, Net Zero, Just Stop Oil, ULEZ *WOKE* policies against the will of the UK population.


    Labour do nothing to help workers and there is nothing Conservative about the tories.


    People who believe any different are mugs who need to get their head out of the sand.   Probably too indoctrinated to see it though


    • Confused 1
  3. Fake news IMO....

    Bibby Stockholm Syndrome is a floating prop in a VERY secluded area which no one will ever stay on.

    Tory donors demand cheap peasant labour to replace those 'lost' via Brexit and the politicians are ushering it in. 


    But the UK public are super <>ed off about this BS so the Govt must be ***SEEN TO BE*** DOING SOMETHING about small boats (they're not doing anything though - as that would be against their UN/WEF/globalist set modus operandi).





    • Confused 1
  4. Some good marketing points in there


    "Thailand's current military government has made efforts to clean up Pattaya after it was dubbed the 'sex capital' of the world and a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah.


    However, the city's lucrative shadow economy based on sex, crime, drink and drugs has proved difficult to tame in the once-sleepy coastal city.


    A large number of British ex-pats have also set up bars in the sun-drenched resort, which has become an attractive place for pensioners to retire."

    • Sad 1
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  5. 6 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    I don't watch the news often enough anymore. 

    I dont know what's really going on between Russia and Ukraine. I don't trust any of the news. I don't take sides because it's impossible to have all the facts.

    It's a waste of time arguing about it. 

    Only the 1 per cent elites really know what's going on politically.

    I saw a job posting for an ESL job in Ukraine. I found it rather odd that foreigners are allowed to go teach ESL there in the midst of a war. 


    North Korea - total fabrication. 


    Very well put.   This knowledge puts you in the top percentile of humans IMO


    99.9999% of news is extremely hoaxy.


    To the auto-believers of news stories...

    Be scared & fearful!

    Stay in your box for safety!

    Demand the right to pay more taxes to protect you from the promoted dangers!

    & I forgot to add: BE or STAY ANGRY!!!!!

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  6. Just now, save the frogs said:

    well, not sure it's that high.

    but the onslaught of negativity is not healthy.

    i got rid of my TV, but it's impossible to avoid daily news entirely.


    OT but which big stories do you think are real or not completely contrived?

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  7. 5 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

    back home and in thailand. both.

    following the daily news will make you feel more miserable.

    and most of it doesn't affect your life.


    Exactly.  The secret is the *99.999% of media stories are completely fake*.

    Underlying messages are:


    Be scared & fearful!

    Stay in your box for safety!

    Demand the right to pay more taxes to protect you from promoted dangers!


    If you assume it's ALL BS you'll be both happier and more realistic : )


    Don't watch this, it'll only bug you: 


  8. Tories have to replace the cheap workers they lost through Brexit.

    (their corporate donors demand it)

    & Labour figure the new immigrants (new poor) will vote for them.

    So everyone's happy (apart from normal UK citizens - esp. the poor who have to compete for jobs and housing with this foreign peasants).


    And PURLEEZE, these <>s are NOT asylum seekers - they're just chancers being encouraged by WEF types.


    In reality, both party 'leaders' are globalist WEF sock puppets so things will have to get a LOT worse in the UK before they get better (assuming the people ever demand change/put their foot down - unlikely).


    Seems 'THEY' (wokey neo marxists) have completely captured all parties in the UK (& Europe) and UK people won't be able to vote ourselves out of this ongoing <>show.


    I've switched to watching US politics - much better characters and plotlines.

    TBH it's just as fake unbelievable though.


    PS. I wouldn't be smug about 'escaping' to Thailand - if the west continues to 'fall' you will feel the effects (see the fallout from the alleged 'pandemic' for starters). 

    If the weight of all the limitless print and spend & mental woke policies cause the financial system, markets etc fall apart, CBDCs introduced etc, where will that leave foreign retirees? Idk and nor do you to be honest.


    Good Luck.  Interesting times


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  9. 6 minutes ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    the country with the daily mass shootings--political bickering and the orange swamp thing  still roams and terrorizes idiots who believe in bigfoot

    Life improves if you ignore the 'news' when you're at home - none of that stuff (or covid etc.) exists in real life.  Up to you though

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  10. 1 hour ago, Troy Tempest said:

    So what's not to like?

    Boiling 90% humidity (my least favourite thing), food poisoning, mozzies/dengue, soi dogs/rabies, rip off merchants everywhere (thai & foreign), no rules driving.


    I've weighed these and the benefits up against UK winters and paying council tax and have decided to stay put for now.  Each to their own though.



    But AFAIK most westerners understand Thailand as Ladyboys, hookers & beaches - if they've experienced high humidity that would also shed light on the matter

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