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Posts posted by ICU Kid



    33 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    You used the word deviants so you do judge.

    Not that antisemitic cultural Marxism b.s. again.

    I see your avatar is a fascist meme.

    The whole package.

    Yeah I judge things and people - not impressed by your schtick since we're being honest - Always taking the contrary view on everything to validate yourself and stave off the boredom. Attention seeker.


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  2. 22 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    yeah, forget the experts, the studies etc. this dude has video from a right-winger who is scared of the word "woke"


    The clown profile pic suits you 

    'Experts, studies' any sources at all?


    Nothing wrong with sticking to traditional definitions either.


    I know the vids too long for your attention span but woke is just marxism 4.0



  3. 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    So the concept that a man cannot be a woman is "hatred"

    Fun fact: The word 'woman' comes from 'womb-man' shortened to 'woman'.


    IMHO 'woke culture' was dreamed up and promoted by the 'elites' (the round table groups etc.) to get the proles arguing about definitions whilst the west/western culture is dismantled, destroyed and replaced.


    Diversion/Division Tactics that are working very well!


    • Haha 1
  4. 2 hours ago, RayC said:

    Simple solution: If you find 'Us lot' boring, don't engage with or listen to us.


    You're actually right on this point.


    You lot aren't as bad as the perma-masked nutters on the convid19 threads but fixating on a democratic decision from 2016 is just as weird.


    If you love the EU so much just go and live there.   

    As another poster mentioned it's STILL possible for UK nationals to work in the EU *BUT* they'll only take people with skills / are no longer taking all and sundry which is fair enough imho.


    If they won't have you, let it go for your own mental health. 


    Bon voyage / Beuna fortuna

    No dejes que la puerta te golpee al salir

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  5. 26 minutes ago, RayC said:

    Leavers who - despite the wealth of evidence from reputable sources - continue to refuse to acknowledge that Brexit has had a negative economic effect on the UK economy.


    Yes, Brexit probably cost a little but nothing in comparison to the nu flu nonsense or this Slava Ukraine BS which replaced it as the main tax money laudering/draining scam.


    Let it go.  If happened almost 8 years ago.  You lot are WAY PAST boring.


    So please let it go & get a life.  


    We can all cry about things that didn't go our way years ago but it's not helpful or constructive.

  6. Back to the OP: 

    For anyone genuinely interested in the cause of the UK 'cost of living crisis':


    Prominent figures such as Lord King of Lothbury, one of the Bank of England’s former governors, have accused it of fuelling price rises with excessive quantitative easing (aka money printing).


    Now a group of economic thinkers – including Geoff Blanning, a former investment manager at Schroders, Dr Eamonn Butler, the director of the Adam Smith Institute, and Mark Littlewood, the director general of the Institute of Economic Affairs – has written to the Chancellor demanding a shake-up of the Bank.

    In their letter, the coalition said: “We are living through an overwhelming cost of living squeeze, and millennials are likely to be the first generation since before the Industrial Revolution to be poorer than their parents.

    “This is in large part because since the financial crash of 2008, the Bank of England has been creating new money out of thin air to fund the Government’s promises.

    “Since March 2009, the money supply has surged by over 50 per cent from the Bank’s actions alone, and half of this – £400 billion – took place in 2020-21 to fund lockdowns.”

    The letter accused the Government and the Bank of being “jointly complicit” in a “debt explosion”.


    “More money in the system, without more goods and services being produced, leads to rising prices which hurts those on low incomes the most – especially young people and pensioners,” it said.

    “It erodes people’s savings, reduces real terms wages and makes houses increasingly unaffordable for first-time buyers. Meanwhile, inequality increases as those with the most assets – especially financial assets – enjoy undeserved gains.”

    The letter claimed that the monetary system is “now out of control and needs reform”, with Mr Hunt urged to “create a fairer system, as well as a faster growing economy with low inflation, by removing the power of the Bank of England to create unlimited quantities of new money”.

    To do this, they recommended an amendment to the 1998 Bank of England Act, giving the Bank a single objective to “maintain the value of the Pound in savers’ bank accounts by whatever means necessary”.


    Currently, the Bank has two goals: to achieve the Government’s target of keeping inflation at two per cent (LOLs), while also supporting “the Government’s economic policy, including its objectives on growth and employment”.

    The letter concluded: “The era of magic money creation (quantitative easing) must come to an end if we want to eliminate the risk of chronic or runaway inflation and return this country to an era of confidence and prosperity.”


    TLDR BoE prints money = CoL Crisis

    Brexit my ass!

  7. 36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    I'm not really sure this should be categorised as a "crisis", but instead is the new norm.


    Europe, with the UK, has been in a sustained relative decline to the United States. In 2008 Europe was larger than United States and today United States is 1/3 larger than Europe, around six trillion dollars.

    Agreed.  Europe is cutting off it's nose to spite it's own face as a warning to other countries: "Don't you dare leave us"


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    All the indicators suggest this will continue. Europe simply cannot compete. It's only hope of fairly cheap energy was Russia, and we can see will be presumably gone for years. Without that energy, German manufacturing will move to the United States as it has been doing. Terminal decline is the new norm.

    Hence the US led proxy war in Ukraine.

    The US also did a number on Europe by destabilising the middle east (Kalerghi Plan anyone?)

    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    In the meantime, the UK working classes will suffer to an unusually heavy extent.

    No change there then


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:



    One of the major aims of the EU was to take power from the ruling classes of the individual countries and regionalize it. It also had a very intense social regulatory programme to make the working classes lives better.

    Nonsense.  The EU is ruled by an unelected commission & an unaudited central bank.

    The EU project is ALL about the centralisation of power,


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    Even when in EU, the UK ruling elite ensured that the UK opted out of these regulations, pushing zero contract hours. The idea today continues in plans to make the UK the Singapore of Europe. In fact this today is really the UK's only hope. But there's a lack of bravery in the government to commit to it.

    The 2 PMs allegedly *for* brexit were both done away with via Palace coups.

    Nusack & 'Hunt the [deleted]' are globalist placeholders who were foisted onto the UK public ahead of the globalist CFR member Sir Kier Staliner (whose top adviser Mandelson was close friends with Jeff Epstien)


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    It is also largely a fantasy since for it to happen you need an extremely educated population and the UK has a famously poorly educated population for a developed country, below the small but highly regarded elite strata.

    Wouldn't say they were 'famously poorly educated'. 

    Where are you from btw?



    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    The British working class are also notoriously troublesome (the image in Victorian paintings of the gin-soaked masses rings true even today) while Singapore relies on an extremely docile populous.

    If only we could be more like the French eh?

    They never cause any trouble.

    But to be fair, there is still a fair % of UK citizens who have the balls to push back when needed


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    I see nothing but pain and suffering.

    aka the norm for most people everywhere


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    The population will increasingly vote far right.

    As they will all over the west as a reaction to woke cultural marxist nonsense being served up by WEF 'Young Global Leaders' types who have infiltrated and taken over western governments


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    Criminality will increase.



    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    Wealthy foreigners will exit, as they have been doing for the last 5 years.


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:

    Yes, due to our unelected 'leaders' tax policies

    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    The UK will fade into irrelevancy.

    Maybe in your dreams.  Where are you from again?


    36 minutes ago, Gaccha said:


    And the growing populations of Africa, owing to climate change, will gradually but inevitably take over.

    That's the (Kalerghi) plan at least - divide and conquer.


    Only time will tell if your dreams come true.  The UK is under siege but Thailand is not exactly perfect and I wouldn't bet on it being a better option than the UK long term,


    Where's better? the US is being divided into <deleted> & Trumptards by cultural marxist 'culture wars' and is 'led' by a corrupt geriatric (his son had a laptop you know), France is on fire right now and the EU has just entered recession.


    It's reassuring to know that foreign nationals still care so much about the UK.


    I can assure you that, if Germany, Holland, Greece (or wherever you come from) left the EU, us Brits would NOT be whinging about it 8 years later. 

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  8. 52 minutes ago, RayC said:

    I don't know how easy it was for EU nationals to get settled status, but it is not that straightforward for EU nationals to now immigrate to the UK, especially when you consider that pre-Brexit, the process was basically 1) buy flight/ Eurostar ticket 2) Remember to take ID card/ passport.


    Same goes for claiming benefits too 


    1 hour ago, sirineou said:

    My only motivation if your well being. 

    OK boomer.


    In case you didn't notice, the UK economy was closed for 2 years due to an allegedly nasty coronavirus/cold.   

    Choosing to ignore that and continue to harp on about a vote almost 8 years ago is disingenuous at best.


    Question to you:

    Did you also warn everyone about how lockdowns and business closures would cause massive job losses and inflation/cost of living crisis?  

  9. 53 minutes ago, sirineou said:

    As I am watching from the sidelines , not being a Brit.

    Brits already have to pay for our own lying scumbag politicians so why pay for 2 sets?

    It's not as if they're gonna make anything better is it? or are you saying that Europeans are better politicians than Brit ones?


    The UK was ALWAYS a net contributor to the EU so please don't blame us for bailing  out.

    Think about it, if you had a 'mate' who always expected you to pay more than your share EVERY SINGLE TIME you went for a meal or drink wouldn't you ditch them too?


    PS.  If you're from one of the handout wanting countries I don't blame you for hating on Brexit but it's dishonest imho and you should be  upfront about your motivations for sticking your oar in

  10. 56 minutes ago, kwilco said:

    There is no way your suggestions account for hundreds of thousands missing for the workforce

    In case you didn't notice, the UK economy was closed for 2 years due to an allegedly nasty coronavirus/cold.   

    Choosing to ignore that and continue to harp on about a vote almost 8 years ago is disingenuous at best.


    Did you (and any of the other remoaners reading)  also warn everyone about how lockdowns and business closures would damage the UK economy and cause massive job losses?  


    Exactly.  Thought not : )



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  11. 53 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    You seem to have posted a lasik surgery link - not the lens replacement (cataract removals) you appeared to be asking about.  Do you have cataracts?


    This link may help clarify the options https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/laser-eye-surgery-and-lens-surgery/


    FWIW, my eyes have degraded with age and I have problems reading small print sometimes even with glasses.  I was told my eyes were too far gone for Lasik and that I would need lens replacement to be glasses free (football manager Juergen Klopp had his lenses replaced a year or 2 ago).


    TLDR, you don't need cataracts to have lens replacement (unless your a Brit resident and want it done free on the NHS)

    From what I can tell, 

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