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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. His opponents can only do so much Thaksin will rectify this in no time to show who’s in charge
  2. The ban was stated as being imposed back in 1972 But I remembered back in the 90s there wasn’t any enforcement as restaurants served alcohol during that time and 7-11 didn’t have the window shades on the locked fridges. Can anyone verify this or is my memory fading? Also one can still get beer during 2-5pm at the pubs along lower sukhumvit
  3. Those Muslims are terrorists? Yes? Let Chinese government deal with their own people. Thailand should have deported them long ago.
  4. both making the world a better place
  5. I’ve heard that DMK has these automated gates but I’ve yet to see them much less use it. Any idea where they are located?
  6. Bangladeshi haha it’s in their culture to abuse women.
  7. She’s not only exposing her husband but his network too. Im sure those folks aren’t to be trifled with. She must have a death wish
  8. At last finally someone with some sense. Fat watch boy is a bloody murderer he should be the one apologising and sent to jail
  9. Soldiers follow orders. if you dig deeper the one in charge is actually fat watch boy
  10. Thaksin is back and Thailand will only get better under his leadership.
  11. He is no more corrupt or culpable than all the PMs before or after him. If one were to have a ranking for best PM of Thailand. He should top the list. He at least did a lot of good
  12. Well said The Thaksin haters should at least have a consistent benchmark if they want to judge
  13. You need a history lesson Those islamic separatists and the problems they caused have been there for a long time. And like their brethren everywhere in the world they are causing problems for their host country. At least Thaksin is trying to find a solution instead of doing nothing
  14. He is the Asian senior statesman Well respected and influential Thailand and the region is blessed to have him around
  15. Thaksin is a respected senior statesman of Thailand. He should be allowed free reign to foster closer bilateral relationships with Thailand’s neighbours and friends
  16. I agree. The Chinese tourists who chose Japan over Thailand are of a different category. The more affluent types. Totally another kettle of fish.
  17. The world is out of whack when more people support terrorists like Hamas than the real victims the Israelis
  18. Xi conveniently forgot about Macao the Asian Las Vegas.
  19. Let’s see which godfather politician is his patron
  20. The ban was imposed by Thaksin if I remembered correctly and also the early shutting of bars and nightspots 1-2am thingy was also by his administration then.
  21. Haha you mean watchboy DPM bought all his watches on his soldier’s salary? That military regime wasn’t cracking down They were removing the competition
  22. Indeed he should just go quietly as his time is up just like his master and patron Watchboy. Kicking up a fuss will get him into more trouble
  23. They are not the same Yingluck’s conviction is political like Thaksin’s The entire Thailand knows that
  24. Loser trying to keep himself relevant and in the limelight. Hope Thais never forget this turncoat’s betrayal
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