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Hunz Kittisak

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Everything posted by Hunz Kittisak

  1. This PT government walks the talk. Well done. please return them to power next elections
  2. Jimmy Carter carried on doing a lot of good work after he was out of office Khun Thaksin the respected Asian senior statesman can do likewise
  3. There’s no more coups This is a new era Coups are a thing of the past
  4. fret not as Thaksin is the chosen one not him
  5. I thot currently these jobs are mostly done by foreigners already, no? The Laotians, Cambodians and the Burmese
  6. Why only assume that PT is the only one buying votes? Their rivals also have the deep pockets to do so. Perhaps the only exception is PP. So all things being equal PT is more popular
  7. PP’s last election numbers were a fluke A lot of PT voters voted for PP due to election fatigue. As PT’s election victories were always getting overturned/cancelled. But now that Thaksin is back and in control the PT voters are back in force
  8. Will soon be nip in the bud It’s just a fluke victory anyways
  9. You might want to check which is the dominant party now in government and what is the current PM’s last name
  10. Thaksin is truly and indeed back and in the driving seat
  11. Yes already checked mate Thaksin is dismantling the remnants of military influence on politics in Thailand. This is a progressive move
  12. They aren’t in a hurry to act coz their own cadres are involved.
  13. Finally freed from those vile terrorists what an ordeal it must have been
  14. This is an old pic From when his triumphant return to Thailand in August 2023 Can we have a more current one?
  15. Like Jesus he was resurrected All hail the messiah the saviour
  16. Well observed Coups are a thing of the past The dinosaur generals have been checkmated
  17. Those chaps can’t vote so empty vessels make the most noise The Thai people are the beneficiaries and that’s what’s most important. Way to go Mr Thaksin
  18. The stingy bugger probably didn’t grease enough palms. Anyone with means can make prison stay comfortable
  19. Well then let me as a newbie share one of those many news reports. Normally I do not like to spoonfeed https://amp.dw.com/en/how-chinese-mafia-are-running-a-scam-factory-in-myanmar/a-68113480
  20. It’s a well known fact Many news articles reported on it before you can google for them to brush up your knowledge if you are ignorant
  21. Logical deduction Thaksin is so well loved by all Thais only his vile enemies could have done this
  22. She’s a paid stooge likely from Prawit
  23. Well done man of action! First salvo already netted hundreds of criminals. We need Khun Thaksin
  24. Chinese officials are involved in the Burmese border illegal activities. CCP should rein in their own members first
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