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Everything posted by ChicagoExpat

  1. I think this is the same stretch of road where the Russian killed the American and the European girl in November.
  2. There is nothing factual, logical, or data-driven in the nonsense you post.
  3. Says the guy who just went ad hominem, love the irony! And says the guy who has an entire forum arguing with him over how stupid his posts are.
  4. Jumping to conclusions -- and then defending those erroneous conclusions in the face of all logic and data -- is the only exercise MeeSeeks gets. Let's not take that away from him.
  5. OK, I'm back, challenge accepted. No, it's because you're a total idiot who has a hard-on for the Swiss guy. Each response you have done literally exactly what I said you did. And you continue to do so. How's that, smart@ss?
  6. Really? A public beheading is the same as having your visa cancelled for almost certainly assaulting someone? Very dramatic.
  7. Cherry picking from what I'm saying to continue your bizarre crusade is... bizarre. It's the video. And witnesses. And his apology (and presumed admission of guilt). It's not the one thing -- his apology -- as you keep implying. All of it points to the fact that he likely physically assaulted. Go ahead and respond with your next version of "But an apology doesn't mean he did it" or "He's my best friend" or whatever. Who cares, you're talking to no one but yourself. I'm done with this stupid back and forth.
  8. It's part of a body of evidence that it likely happened. Again, this is a weird thing for you to keep arguing.
  9. You skipped over the part where I said it the video was consistent with some sort of violent contact. What did you think of the video -- you think it DOESN'T show what I said? In addition, he apologized, which is good evidence it happened. And there are witnesses. You need a better hobby that arguing the sky isn't blue and water isn't wet.
  10. The video (a Thai friend showed it to me) was really, really ugly. The guy filmed himself approaching the women say "Get the f out! Get the f out!" and while the kick isn't clearly visible because of where he was holding his phone while recording, at one point of the women cries out in a way consistent with some sort of violent contact.
  11. If you've got details and you're American, share them with the Embassy. I heard they just got the money back for a guy who had been really severely extorted from the Tourist Police (vice the little payments made here and there that everyone pays)
  12. Please make it your life's work to share your wisdom with the world. Such brilliance, such insight... shouldn't be confined to aseannow comments and the call girls down at your local dive. You're the hero we didn't know we needed.
  13. SO CRAZY -- having standards for displaying one's national symbol! What "stupidity"! >>eyeroll<<
  14. Spidermike, this is likely the first time we've agreed on anything, but you are 1000% right! 😀
  15. The Russian who ran down and killed an American and a Luxembourger in Phuket in November was just sentenced to… nothing. She got a 75k baht fine. That’s it. No actual penalty for killing two people.
  16. I see a lot of Thais who wear elephant pants too. They're comfy, breathe well, and hide stains. Not just for backpackers!
  17. Usually it's the Central Authority of any country that does it, not embassies. If you Google "Hague Convention on Apostilles UK" it brings up a ton of companies that will do it for you. Here is official UK info: https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised
  18. Let me tell you about all the ways America has made the world better. Oh, LOL. Edit -- sorry sheldon that was directed at the same guy you wrote to.
  19. Sorry to pile on... sorry this isn't want you want to hear... BUT -- dating while still married/one already failing marriage/in major debt/fell out with her sister Run the other way, amigo. And yes, she is a sex worker.
  20. I have no idea what you're saying -- I was agreeing with you. I'm OK with real life.
  21. If the visa you eventually receive via an agent is not from your local immigration office, then yes, you are using a crooked agent.
  22. Exactly right. Relying on paper is a bad idea, and prepping to be able to explain her ties to Thailand, that she understands the law and requirement to complete a short stay only, etc is a much better plan.
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