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Everything posted by ChicagoExpat

  1. If the visa you eventually receive via an agent is not from your local immigration office, then yes, you are using a crooked agent.
  2. Exactly right. Relying on paper is a bad idea, and prepping to be able to explain her ties to Thailand, that she understands the law and requirement to complete a short stay only, etc is a much better plan.
  3. Editing my reply to you, which gave it back in kind. I think we're both tired of this and there's enough bile in the world, so have a good day.
  4. So your complaint is that they don't get it right 100%. Prior to Ginboy's comment you seemed unaware that (gasp!) some Thais might overstay their visas -- even when claiming a connection to a U.S. citizen. Your belief, apparently, is that anyone who claims a connection to a U.S. citizen should get a visa. "Yeah"
  5. Participation trophy for Brickleberry! And a cookie too as we send him off for his nap.
  6. Political/legal have the exact same meaning in this context. There's nothing "ludicrous" about describing what is ACTUALLY happening, versus the sweaty, hysterical claims of those who are badly informed and are probably not arguing in good faith to begin with. Again -- if Israel has been "occupying" Gaza for all these years (without a single Israeli in Gaza!!!) then so has Egypt. I love the Egypt side of this, as 1) most pro-Hamas agitators read only leftwing websites so have no idea that Gaza shares two borders and 2) these same people NEVER respond (as you haven't) to explain the curious fact that it's not just those crafty Jews who don't want Gazans on their land, it's Egypt. It's also Jordan. And Kuwait. And Lebanon. All of the places where Palestinians have made themselves unwelcome due to their unrelenting love of violence. The entire Arab world is willing to use the Palestinians as a stick to beat Israel, but literally NOT ONE COUNTRY wants Palestinians within their borders. It ALWAYS ends badly. Have you really never asked yourself why that is?
  7. That's probably a good idea, you're getting your butt kicked. This doesn't seem to be your subject. Israel controlling its border with Hamas/Gaza, is not occupying Gaza, neither is its sea blockade to prevent Hamas from being supplied with ever-deadlier weapons by Iran. Egypt controlling its border with Hamas/Gaza, is not occupying Gaza. "Occupied Territories" is a political term. If I'm not actually in your house or on your property, I'm not occupying either one.
  8. Gaza is LITERALLY NOT an occupied territory. Israelis lived in a tiny community in Gaza and were forcibly removed by Israel. You know who else controls access to Gaza? Egypt. You're apparently unaware that Gaza borders two sovereign states. Try rephrasing all of your spew to include Egypt as well. YOU'RE telling us to "educate ourselves"? That's pretty ironic coming from someone who posts what you post.
  9. When someone actively defends Hamas, what is inaccurate about calling them "jihad lover"? Where is it NOT permissible to critical of Israel? What a straw man you've set up. I have plenty to criticize Israel for. Its very existence though, is not part of that package. Its right to defend itself in conditions SPECIFCALLY CREATED BY HAMAS to create thousands of casualties, so that chuckleheads the world over will call for a "ceasefire" and stoke up the latent Jew hatred already so present in many circles, is not part of that package. The intention to delay the next October 7 by a few months or years by dismantling the hundreds of miles of tunnels (happily paid for by the UN) and killing as many terrorists as possible, is not part of that package.
  10. I am indeed. It's only everlasting, however, because anti-semites make it so.
  11. I heard the goal was to resume outreach, generally... on the one hand, I'm guessing Pattaya would be a major destination for that, but on the other, it's such a short trip to Bangkok that maybe their time would be better spent elsewhere. Just my 2 baht...
  12. Agree, children should not be held. And I'll give you credit as literally the first person I've seen in any forum, who generally seems to support the Palestinian side, who has called for the release of Hamas' hostages.
  13. NOT consciously making a Nazi reference? And when you capitalize it? You're either an ignoramus or a liar. Next you'll say that Jews should all go to camps. You know, just to have fun and stuff.
  14. Etaoin gave you good advice. Do NOT focus on documents -- they don't have time to look at them and any paper can be faked. She needs to be able to articulate why she would return to Thailand after a brief visit, and make it clear that you're not trying to evade the proper immigration process by just getting her in on a tourist visa. The longer you've been married and the more tied the two of you are to Thailand (you own property, have a job, etc) the better your chances.
  15. So you are saying that because South Africa has made the accusation, it is true?
  16. If genocide WERE actually the goal, and not just agitprop from Hamas supporters, then they are indeed failing miserably at it.
  17. No, it wouldn't at all be off topic. It IS the topic. And if that's all you can come up with, you are indeed an anti-semite.
  18. Wow, my gleany perceptions sure are off. This is your chance to really stick it to me. The floor is yours. This is your chance to elaborate on what else the Jews have done in the past 3000 years besides be unpopular.
  19. As long as you keep posting lies, I won't "stay away." As long as you keep justifying mass murder, I'll call you disgusting. Stop posting offensive communication and you won't get it in return. Time to take responsibility for what you post online, jihad lover.
  20. A distinction without a difference. OK, here you go -- "You literally said they've done nothing but make themselves unpopular for over 3000 years. Our gleany perceptions know exactly what you meant." Yes, we know exactly what you meant.
  21. The Hague is not calling it genocide. Another lie. Do you EVER say anything that is true?
  22. Hamas has genocide of the Jews literally written into its charter. That is their goal. So, yes, there WOULD be murders, rapes, and hostages even if there were such a thing as "Palestine." It's absolutely incredible that you've gone from attacking Israel to literally defending Hamas. You're disgusting.
  23. You're really going to try and dispute the difference between "making themselves unpopular" and "offend"? THAT'S my "lie"? Wow.
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