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Tom A Hawk

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  1. Thanks for the update. I'll give it a few weeks to settle in and I'll go and try it. I am still surprised there is no Mexican restaurant in Central Pattaya. There used to be about four of them.
  2. Does anyone know what happened to Sue's Place Mexican Restaurant on Soi 13/4? Has it moved, or gone for good? The food there was good. Can members suggest some other Mexican restaurants in Central Pattaya?
  3. I can qualify for the secondary tests, but I really don't want to go back to Australia for 45 days. I can stay with my kids for a while, maybe some airbnb for a while, and do a little domestic travel, but 45 days in Australia is a PITA, and now you have to worry about being in Thailand for more than 6 months because it looks like they are going to tax you here in the future.
  4. The message this guy got in the video. I ended up signing in and that message wasn't there. I don't know why he got it and I didn't. Maybe it's on its way to me. I can answer the way he suggests, but it would not be truthful. At some point, regardless of my answers to those questions, they are just going to say I am a non resident because I am living in Thailand. Bit hard to get around it when they know you are not in Australia for so long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8kIY9ADQpg
  5. No idea what you are talking about but I am out of here.
  6. You guys have all put up a lot of info since this came to light. I just tried to confirm some of it and watched some youtube video. I only put up two videos out of the many I watched. I said before you don't believe everything you see on the internet so I googled that guy's name in the video and found he has his own financial services business in Australia. To me, he came across as knowing what he was talking about. No. I am not the guy in the video.
  7. I don't want to have a blue about it. I just want facts with a bit of opinion, not opinion with a bit of facts.
  8. I tried to confirm what Heineken was saying. I posted a youtube video. The guy in that video, who I think is an accountant and has a business in Thailand, says if you sell your house and cut all ties you will have to pay 30% on your pension but you will still be ahead because of the lower cost of living. Can you put something up on here saying an old age pension will not be taxed?
  9. Nope. I read everyone's comments and come up with my own ideas. I agree with the other guy when he says the new rules will come in. I agree with you that I am a small fry and not worth their time to chase. I agree with don't sweat it until it happens, if it happens, but have a plan for it. I know we all have different circumstances but as expats we all have a few things in common. They are, we are all living overseas, and we are all getting our money from somewhere, but most getting it from Australia. As a new expat in Thailand, what I don't get is why we all have different experiences with CL and the ATO. Why did that guy in the video I put up get the letter in MyGov and others didn't? Why did some guys get questions from CL and others didn't. If these new rules come in will we still all have different experiences or be treated all the same?
  10. Maybe that's how they will do it. They will link our tax file numbers to our passport numbers behind the scenes.
  11. At the moment I think border force tell CL but not the ATO. Going from info on this forum and the internet, if the new rules come in, isn't that time frame gonna be 6 months. After that, border force will tell the ATO you are living overseas and not on a holiday.
  12. From reading all the chit chat on this forum, isn't it border force that is gonna dob us all in to the ATO because we are living overseas and they know that?
  13. CL know you are not in Australia. Isn't it border force that tells them? What if border force starts telling the ATO as well?
  14. That's the way it works now but what about if the new rules come in? Will the ATO start putting the 30% tax on everyone because they will know you are living overseas?
  15. From what the other guy on here says a lot, isn't it border force that is going to start the audit by telling the ATO and CL about every Aussie outside of Australia for more than 6 months? I don't really have much for them to audit accept for me being outside of Australia and maybe owing them 30% more tax because I am overseas.
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