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Ben Zioner

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Posts posted by Ben Zioner

  1. 29 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

    I have seen people say that but one of my banks overseas confirmed it was not the case. They only report year end balances and income/inflows into the account during the year.  Of course the RD can request more information from the overseas tax authority but I think they would need to have a good reason and wouldn't do it lightly. In future the scope of CRS reporting will probably broaden out and may include this data.

    This will become irrelevant anyway if the the global tax concept goes ahead.

  2. 5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    As this change requires amendment to tax law it  is not going to happen overnight so no need for immediate action. But it would behoove everyone to get and read the DTA between their country of citizenship and Thailand.


    And anyone with significant income abroad who has not been paying tax anywhere based on being non tax redident in their home country   might want to calculate potential tax bill and consider if they may want a Plan B. 


    Indeed, but extremely annoying. If RD 743 gets rescinded I'll be hit with and 800k Tax bill, not enough to justify 185 days a year away from the family, but an almost impossible amount of savings to achieve while keeping everyone happy and cheerful. Practically less holidays, less western food, no more extensions on the house, only value saving maintenance, keep aging cars, etc.


    On the bright side I managed to extend my tax free life by another decade, which I didn't expect when I came here. And IMHO I most [pragmatic] people here will follow the same approach, once settled it becomes near impossible to find a better deal elsewhere, even after tax.



    • Agree 1
  3. 41 minutes ago, TheAppletons said:


      I was going to say "corporate tax" but the corporate tax rate in Thailand is 20%.


      So perhaps that poster is referring to the capital gains tax, which is 15%.

    Or council taxes known as "rates" in some parts. Which would raise another interesting point as my wife pays a ridiculous yearly amount like 25 Baht tax and 500 for garbage collection. Used to pay 4000 Euros a year in my previous life.

  4. 4 hours ago, impulse said:

    As fun as it is to rag on everything Thai, I wonder if this is just a race for the cheapest labor, with Thailand's GDP per capita being 170% of Vietnam's?

    Isolate the portion of GDP confiscated by the richest 1% and recalculate. Sorry to disappoint..


    And give Vietnam another ten to twenty years, they are only at the beginning of their journey.

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