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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. It has always amazed me how openly corrupt this society is. Of course he'll have a role, shadow PM. Just like he had when his sister was PM.
  2. This guy is a mess. Billy Carter lives again.
  3. How lucky are we? Maybe he can tell Musk to stop f'ing up Twitter.
  4. That's hilarious. I'll have my stopwatch out in a couple weeks. Of course, I'm not a tourist, I'm a resident, so it may take longer for me, lol
  5. What a joke. He's probably already at home.
  6. Thanks for that. I'll try to make sure I never have kidney stones.
  7. Lord help me. If they were "electrocuted" they wouldn't be here to talk about it. Get some English lessons guys.
  8. There is no "democracy" in Thailand. It's real simple.
  9. And you still won't be PM, because the people in power don't want you.
  10. Been there. Done that. Both to and from Maui from SFO. I'm a proud mile high club member, lol
  11. It has become a comedy. So well orchestrated. I've always said that the difference between corruption here and in the states is that in the states it's well hidden. Here it's out in the open for everyone to see.
  12. Well of course he is! Or in a penthouse suite at the hospital. And he'll never step foot in prison again. I mean that 6 hour sentence must have been hell for him!
  13. A submarine? That's about as useful as the war planes Thailand is buying. Honestly, if anyone ever did attack this country (and they won't) they'd be defeated horribly. Spend the money elsewhere on areas of need, like the poor. When I see families sleeping on the beach I know there are other things that need the government's investment.
  14. LOL. Like your friend Thaksin? Man, I laughed so hard I almost cried.
  15. They obviously didn't pay the important people first.
  16. The "confidence in this government"? There's no confidence in this government. Let's face it, this election was stolen (as much as I hate to use a worn out Trumpian line). This government is not legitimate. Let's face it. Can this country ever get it right? Look at the history of the PM's here starting with Thaksin. Thief. Then the Dems. Inept. Then Thaksin's self appointed people. As bad as him. Then the coup. Which lasted forever. The PM was completely overmatched and had an outsized ego. Didn't know what he was doing and did it anyway. Finally the Thai people get this exciting young man who plans to make some changes for the good. And not only is Thaksin's party back, but he's back and he'll soon be walking free. Not to mention running the country again on autopilot. Let's face it, he already is from his penthouse suite in the hospital. Confidence in government you say? Certainly you jest.
  17. Really? This is my shocked face. ????
  18. Lol. Yeah right! It's pretty obvious he is with all the breaks Mr. T is getting, hahahahaha
  19. Just cut em off. Chop, chop. He won't do that again.
  20. If he's still locked up in 2 months I'll be surprised. In fact, I doubt he'll serve any time. Somehow he'll go right from the hospital to his home for home confinement.
  21. Drunk Brit gets beat up? That's about as newsy as Indian tourist gets robbed by ladyboy. Next thing you guys will do an article on is the sky is blue and the sea is green.
  22. Ridiculous. Just to avoid having to go to immigration once a year? I mean what else do you really get that's even important?
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