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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. Gee, what a surprise. And he'll somehow get out much sooner. Guaranteed.
  2. Sad. But if you drive fast down these sois there are lots of dogs. You need to be careful. Both for your sake and for the dogs. I see so many dogs killed on the roads and it's horrible.
  3. What does he mean? We just effectively had one. The winner of the PM race is out and the military's chosen party is in. And Thaksin is "in the hospital". LOL
  4. They have no clue about history unfortunately.
  5. Well that cinches it, he'll be a great PM.
  6. Soooo, let me see. Thaksin comes back the very day his political party comes into office in the PM's chair. He enters prison. The next day he is airlifted to the hospital. Why do I think he'll spend a period of time supposedly in the hospital and then he won't ever go back to prison. Just a wild hunch.
  7. I should have done that the other day when I got a ticket for stopping too close to the intersection in Pattaya. I asked "don't you have any real crime to go after here"? What a joke...
  8. Time to quit. I have a friend who worked at a hotel. Crappy place. His girlfriend and mother of his children literally died sleeping next to him. His evil beeatch of a boss didn't give him any time off to deal with it. Brutal.
  9. WTF? What are these people doing with this stuff? The only reason to have it is to murder someone.
  10. 3 years? What are these people thinking? Or are they thinking? Go to immigration and get renewed. If you're under 50 make a visa run. Otherwise you're in trouble.
  11. My take is this. Didn't this guy have insurance? Also, if you own a Rolls then you should be able to afford to fix it if you get into an accident. Otherwise don't buy one. Of course you could keep it parked in your driveway and impress your friends, thus keeping it safe, lol But those damn birds!
  12. Is this the brown liquid I see the kids drinking on the beach in the mornings? They sell it out in the open, telling me the cops for "some reason" aren't acting.
  13. I contacted this firm in Pattaya called XXX Construction. Don't make the same mistake I made. We exchanged texts and pictures about what I wanted done, I sent him my location and then I suggested he come look at the job. He said "that will be a 2000 baht "survey fee". I'm like WHAT? You don't give free estimates? He said no. I asked him why and he said "we have costs of doing business". LOL. No, really? So you collect 2000 baht fees all day and don't do any work for it? Just unfreakingreal! So I told him which part of my body he could kiss. Just unbelievable.
  14. Isn't THIS supposed to be the low season? Sure doesn't look bad to me. Bad to drive in, but lots of tourists, that's for sure. I liked it during covid much better.
  15. I see they're getting right on it, lol In 6 months nothing will have changed.
  16. "Local media reported that the Indian man, identified as Mr. Ankit Tibrewal, 39, suffered a wound to his mouth, lacerations on his arms and hands, and a cut on his head that may have been caused by a sharp object. Blood was also splattered on his shirt. The transgender people, meanwhile, did not suffer injuries." Hahahahahaha Don't mess with those bee-ach-es!!!!
  17. This is awesome! I walk along the beach in the early mornings and these drunk and drugged up kids are partying it up all night. Kick em to the curb! It's dangerous since they block the sidewalks and the streets with their cars double parked, and the food vendors are blocking lanes of traffic. Let's be rid of them!!!
  18. Not a chance. Once a whore, always a whore I'm afraid. A friend of mine married a gal he met in a "Turma" in Brazil. That's a Brazilian bathhouse/brothel. Beautiful, charming young lady. Half his age. It didn't end well. She cheated on him with at least a couple of guys he knew about. He finally ended it. This was a guy with money, good looks, success. He could have done so much better. My theory is, despite the fact that many of these women are nice and charming, that once you sell your body that part of you dies inside. So for that person to make a good long term wife isn't a good expectation at all. In the end they will go for the money again. And my friend lost everything in the US financial crisis. After that she changed. She didn't have a free run on his AX card anymore. Let's face it, in the end they're all whores in one way or another. We pay for it or pay for it.
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