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Everything posted by Nickcage49

  1. Was working at a school, eh? You have to wonder about what he did here as well.
  2. I'm afraid they're sunk. The elites have thrown every trick in the book at them and they probably have more in reserve. A Democracy this is not.
  3. Gee, what a surprise. This the same day that schmuckaluck stated he's not retiring from politics. LOL
  4. How sad. They should give him life the #%^$&
  5. Ice? Did they catch him because it was melting???
  6. Calm? You just overwhelmingly elected a prime minister, only to be told that because the elites and the military (you happen to be both) that the landslide victor can't have the job he was elected to? And you want calm? This is ridiculous.
  7. So the vast majority supported Pita, but now the Senate and the courts are denying him the chance to be Prime Minister. I come from a Democracy. I guess I don't recognize this place as one.
  8. Gee what a surprise! This country is on the verge of some real issues I'm afraid. All created by the elites and powers that be in the country.
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