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  1. Maybe the rapid change is what is the issue here. FFS, I've lost 8% of my pension value in a month and a half. And I think we all agree things are not getting cheaper here in any way.
  2. Use a VPN, as prices will be different depending on your location.
  3. Its true. I was quite amazed as they worked in very safety oriented jobs.
  4. I've never had a relationship with any girl under 18. Once i met a girl on her birthday who was 17 and would turn 18 at midnight. I asked her for fingerprints, a copy of her drivers license and also called the police department to assure i would not be breaking any laws. . At midnight jut past the tick of 12:01am it was game on.
  5. Keep in mind they are considered 1 year old at birth. Her mother called her 20 times? Lets see the phone records.
  6. I worked for a Thai Government Training institution many years ago for a year, I was fired for not allowing them to cheat on the final exams.
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