First of all. My O-A visa is an E-visa with multiple entry. I entered first time October 21 2022 and the stamp in my passport is valid until October 19 2023. My letter of approval must be used before September 18.
My ticket to Bangkok was bought a long time ago, and can not be changed.
I originally bought a prepaid insurance for one year. It turned out to be absolutely useless, so I cancelled it when I left Thailand last time. I am coming back for 6 months, and I do not want to buy a new health insurance. I have bought a travel insurance for 6 months, and it has much better coverage than my previous one. I wanted to see if they would accept my travel insurance, but I guess there is no reason to, as it would be rejected.
I will keep quiet about my O-A, and only show my METV approval letter, and hope that it would accepted. I am just worried about what happens when they see I already have the O-A.
If worst case is that they will give me a 30-day exempt, I can work with that. But if they reject me, it would be a disaster.
Thank you for all the answers!