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Everything posted by Poseidon

  1. Thai friendly is still running tho right. I was very worried it might have been closed for reasons
  2. That's not how a show trial works. Is there talk of disturbance if they put pita behind bars, they would rather not deal with ?. this election happened in may didn't it. Might be time for a new one
  3. I will laugh if Phu Thai gets screwed here. They will be in a terrible position no power and having to explain to there electorate. Best thing to do would be to force mp Rolex Into a minorty government and then block everything with move forward till proper elections are held. But then pigs will fly
  4. Think its time for thai youth to get a bit more french about things. revoloution or yellow vests as a minimum will do
  5. So how did those talks go with move forward then ?
  6. Some one on here recommended Chula to me. price is reasonable and i take comfort that things are likely (used in its broadest possible sense) to be run properly as its a red brick universty and one of Thailand's top university's.
  7. 212 But wont have a minority government. How is that going to work?. Thailand is just a laughing stock right now all this to prevent joining the modern age and having a monarchy more in line with a European one. Wonder what parties are prepared to sacrifice there electorate for small influnce now much like the lib dems did with David Cameron
  8. Move forward should vote against any political candidate Phu Thai put forward along with the bulk of future policy's. They have no reason to play along. Be interesting if they fail how Phu Thai will explain to the electorate
  9. Meanwhile the election winners have no cabinet positions or the speaker. Wonder how Phu Thai electorate feel about this
  10. Zephyr valves can help relieve symptoms as well.
  11. https://www.brit-thoracic.org.uk/quality-improvement/guidelines/asthma/ we all are tought to use these as our guidelines to manage COPD. It Will cover everything in depth. But I'm adamant, if you think you have been misdiagnosed,only a lung function test with reversibility testing. and a CT if you can afford it is the only way to know for sure how your lungs are.
  12. This is interesting. My only concern is there not doing the alphabet first i know from wasted time i wont be able to use any dictionaries or text books properly till i can read thai script. I will ask them tho as that that's quite the recommendation
  13. There is a edge to this coin. If I was move forward I would drop pita his gone. Swiftly select a number 2 drop changes to 112 reaffirm publicly oath to the king and outright refuse to support Phu Thai. It would force them to either make deals with the military parties causing a dumping of support from there electorate it would remove any semblance of legitimatcy from the Senate not voting in the election winner. Lastly if selected would focus efforts on clipping the wings of the military of political power and Influence.
  14. "however don't believe the doctor," simple solution you need a lung function test and a CT scan. You will soon know if there was a mistake with the diagnosis
  15. The case where pita gets locked up for reducing the power of the king and military. Happens all the time putin does this frequently with political rivals, as does xi ect ect ect
  16. Democracy does matter if thailand wants a FTA with europe "The EU and Thailand first launched negotiations for an FTA in 2013. These were put on hold in 2014, following the military takeover in the country. In 2017 and 2019, in light of Thailand's advances on the democratisation process"
  17. Well. from what i remember from history, political opposition to authortive governments are normally removed via show trial. The list is very long but its normally done as its cleaner than the alternative. pita faces a trial from the military appointed judges on the military appointed constitution no one could talk about with out being arrested when it was put up for referendum with one of the consequences being a lengthy jail sentence for electoral fraud. No one seriously thinks he will be found innocent surely
  18. There is no way pita goes anywhere except a jail cell. The army won't allow it. All Move forward can do is publicly ditch the coalition and become the opposition. Phu Thai will have to deal with a very angry electorate and those trade deals they want with Europe will be benched. They have acknowledged that on Thai pbs today eu does not like talking to authortiean government, forcing the economy to be solely reliant on china. They can then run again in 4 years. Unless the Thais have some fight in them but I don't see it. The country's elite want to be stuck in the last century and I don't see how you fix that
  19. The same Thailand not supporting sanctions on Russia will now have inflationary food prices forced on them. Interesting ????
  20. Not why we give antibiotics in this situation. It's to protect from hospital aquired infection and to make sure his immune system Only has the virus to deal with
  21. Nice idea. But in Thailand won't go anywhere. I would like to be proved wrong tho
  22. I would like to learn Thai. I am fed up of being illiterate and unable to talk to anyone properly when traveling there. Can anyone recommend a good school to teach the language. If it can be done online from the uk even better. I am prepared to spend a year in country to learn the language but I don't want a visa shop I'm looking for a proper school that can actually teach. Tha k you in advance
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